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invalidation seems to be your favorite fashion. disrespect is your coat. manipulation is your cup, and malice is what you drink from it.

yes, i know. im"too sensitive." how wouldnt i know for you tell me every chance you get.

its amazing how a water baby was blessed with an earth mother such as you. God was on some other shit when those stars aligned.

maybe im supposed to be learning from this, from you.
but all im sure of when you come around, is that every solid piece of me i thought was intact, is not.

with your sharp callous tongue you beat me into insecurity.

you are two totally opposite people inside of one mind and its not good for anyone, especially yourself.
i had a dream when i was a kid that you had an evil twin, funny how dreams give insight.

i dont know how to gaze over the scars on my body, or the pain in my heart, or the bruises you've given me.
i dont know how you have such control over anyone you meet.
i dont know how you have attained this hate in your heart.

i dont want our relationship to be like this but i dont see you changing.

i guess now, i will finally learn to adjust.

but how? without compromising myself. that, i do not know. itll be my lifelong journey i suppose.

in the heat of the moment.

02/28/2020 8:51 pm


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