Ezio sniffed your hand, asking to walk free for a bit. You nodded and removed the leash from Ezio's collar, "There you go boy, now go and run around." You chirped. Ezio stuck out his tongue and ran in circles in front of you.

You smiled at yourself, what were you without him?

You caught Danny emerging from the trees ever so slightly from the corner of your eye, "Hey Danny! I can see you, you know?" You remarked.

Danny sighed and showed himself, "I really need to practice how to be more stealthy.. Michael just won't teach me." He trailed off. "Anyways, how are ya [N/N]? What happened to your wrist?" Danny cheered.

You rolled your eyes, "I cut myself by accident while repairing a generator. Kazan had to be the killer of course." You muttered out clearly irritated. Ezio walked in between Danny's legs and begged for attention.

Danny gasped, "No way! Gramps got you?" You nodded, Danny started petting Ezio with his rubber gloves. "It's fine though, now I know how the Entity works."

Danny cocked his head to the side, asking for an explanation. "Freddy told me that the Entity would torture the killers if they didn't sacrifice enough survivors." you explained.

Danny nodded and let his shoulders droop, "Yeah, no one wants to go through that.. It's the most painful thing ever. At least you guys can still escape it's grasp." Danny sighed.

"But hey, now's not the time to talk about torture! Wanna hang out by the fire with the rest?" Danny suggested.

You cracked a smile and nodded, "Of course!"

Ezio wagged his tail, politely asking to join. Of course you brought Ezio with you, it would've been cruel if you didn't.

The three of you made it into camp pretty soon. You noticed Amanda tinkering on her reversed bear traps, Herman hanging out with Evan, Bubba making a flower crown around the fire, Rin trying to teach her great grandfather how to speak English while sitting on a stump, the legion taming the Demogorgon, Kenneth brewing something with his bottles and the Huntress humming her lullaby.

The survivors had a great bond with each other. But there was something different with the killers' side, they all just accepted each other. There never really was a fight going on in between them, they always had something to do for themselves as well. Everyone was in their own little world.

You and your dog went to sit by the fire, Ezio was curious what Bubba was doing. Bubba shifted his gaze towards Ezio and showed him his flower crown. Ezio stuck his tongue out and started wagging his tail, Bubba put the flower crown on Ezio's head and clapped his hands happily.

Bubba really wasn't that scary at all, he had the mindset of a small innocent child. Ezio skipped your way with his new flower crown on his head, your heart immediately melted at the sight.

Adiris walked towards you and came to sit next to you. You were fine with that, you trusted her because she gave you free food. And that was excactly what she was about to do right now. Adiris gave you a blessed apple which you were happy to accept. You quietly ate your apple on a stump while scratching Ezio behind his ears.

"How are you doing [Y/N]? Got any new updates?" Amanda asked while screwing her reversed bear trap.

You shrugged, "Well.. the Entity apparently spoke to me recently. It said that I wasn't supposed to be in here."

Amanda looked up at you for a second and nodded afterwards, "That explains why you require to eat and sleep." She pointed out.

You were a black sheep compared to the other survivors, that's for sure. 

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