Chapter 9 | Clean-Up & Playing

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"Sure. I'm gonna win!"

"In your dreams!" The boys raced towards the water, running past Akaashi who was already in first.

"Watch out, Hinata!" Suga yelled back as he took off his shirt.

"WOOOOOO!" Bokuto screeched as he threw off his jacket, which Akaashi caught midair very casually. Too casually. Very scary casually.

"Tanaka, look at that cliff!" Nishinoya grinned, pointing at the small cliff Yamaguchi got hurt at earlier.

"But look at the managers!" Tanaka grinned, pointing at the managers getting into the water already. So far, Fukurodani was already in the water, messing around. The third years from Karasuno were in, it was just Tanaka, Nishinoya, Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima left.


Akaashi looked across the water with his blunt expression. Questioning everything.

Suga laughed wholesomely.

"I'd start questioning my own name if he kept calling me that!"

"sometimes I do question if my name is Akaashi."

Suga laughed even harder. Akaashi sighed, looking towards his upperclassman.

"Yes, Bokuto-San?"

"Let's play Chicken with Suga and Daichi!"

Akaashi looked back at the two, tilting his head.

"Sure!" Suga grinned. Daichi looked a little distressed, but he's always distressed.

Fukurodani, Asahi, and Ennoshita made a ring around the four of them as the taller boys got the smaller boys on their shoulders.

Suga grinned at Akaashi, who gave off a small smile.


Bokuto nearly knocked Akaashi off balance because he went forward so quick.

Daichi used more cautious steps as Suga got ready to use brute force to shove the owl over. Suga reached for Akaashi, who grabbed Suga by the hands, trying to push him off. This resulted in a difficult push off.

Akaashi just about overpowered him, shoving him into the water. However, with his counter weight gone, he tumbled forward, causing Bokuto to fall as well. Daichi twisted aside, stumbling backwards into the water and falling on his ass underwater.

Akaashi landed next to Suga, falling underwater. It took a few seconds, but they came up. It was silent for a few seconds and then everyone bursted out in laughter. Akaashi smiled, which he doesn't do often.

{ ~ }

Tanaka stood at the top of the cliff with Nishinoya.

The two grinned, looking at each other.

"ROLLINGGG THUNDERRRR!" Nishinoya front flipped forward into a cannonball, splashing up a bunch of water near Tsukishima and Yamaguchi peacefully swimming near.

"WOOOOOO!" Tanaka just cannonballed into the water, making a even bigger splash on the boys.

"Yamaguchi, wanna come with me on this next one?" Tanaka grinned. Yamaguchi looked back at Tsukishima, who shrugged. Yamaguchi nodded nervously at the 2nd year.

"Cool beans!" Tanaka grabbed his wrist, running towards the cliff and helping him climb up it.

He looked down nervously, feeling his stomach drop. It was like Tanaka sensed his fear.

"Oi, look up, not down." He grinned, tilting his head up. The sun shone beautifully on the water, making it graceful. It gave him a sense of comfort. Yamaguchi nodded eagerly, smiling nervously at Tanaka.

"Cool, let's go!" Tanaka grabbed his wrist and ran off the cliff, letting out a happy yell. They created a big splash, making Nishinoya laugh. Tsukishima spat out a little water in his mouth.

"Wow, that was a nice splash!-"

The water cleared, showing nothing. Tsukishima's eyes widened as the water wavered.

"Tanaka-San? Yamaguchi?"

A/N: HAHAHAHHA, CLIFFHANGERS! hah, puns. I amuse myself too much. Yeah, so y'all gotta suffer till the next chapter, have fun knowing something happened -3-

The Fallen Crows | Haikyuu!! Disabilities/Disease/Mental Issues AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz