Chapter 2

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It's been about a month since Percy and Annabeth were claimed when their grandparents appeared at Camp, along with the Hunters of Artemis who got word of a Monster at the home for Greek Demigods.

"Where is it?" Artemis asked Chiron as she marched up to the centaur at the Big House. "Where is the monster?"

"That's not very nice, Arty," a voice said as everyone heard a noise that was similar to nails on a chalkboard. "That's no way to treat my future son in law."

"B-Bastet!?" Artemis stuttered her eyes wide at the more powerful goddess.

"Mmm... Yes it is me, Arty," Bastet said, her hips swaying from side to side, getting men to look at her. "I am here to see if this "monster" is right for my daughter, Annabeth. And before you say something, Athena, I knew who his mother was, you wanna know how? Because I helped his mother return to a more human form, made her fertile, and helped her give birth to him."

"You gave that monster a human form?!" Athena shouted at the cat goddess who just yawned lazily and said, "Yeah I did. You turned her into a monster just because you were jealous of her weaving skills. I just gave her a human form, but in doing so, she became a Goddess not affected by the ancient laws, allowing her to raise her child without fearing a punishment. I am the same. Since I am not part of your pantheon, I can raise my only child with my mate/husband. And there is nothing you can do about it."

Athena glared at the Cat Goddess and said, "I can, and will, command her to stay away from that monster."

Bastet just crossed her arms over her chest and said, "My daughter, is allowed to date whoever she wants to. I told her that she has a choice of whom she can date and who she can't, as long as it is not a Child of Aphrodite, Ares, or Zeus."

"I understand Aphrodite, but why not Ares or Zeus?" Athena asked. "They are powerful demigods who can protect her when she can't."

"Because their power almost always goes to their heads," Bastet said with a Cheshire grin. "Besides, I just love it that my daughter finally has a friend."

After the Cat Goddess said that, Percy Jackson was thrown through a window of the Big House and a voice said, "Come out, come out, little spider... A cat like me doesn't like to be kept waiting."

"Oh my head," Percy said, one hand on his head and the other on the wall to steady himself, once he got his bearings again, he noticed that there were 4 immortals in front of him and two of them made his Spidey Sense go off. "Oh no..."

He then dodged a hunting knife that was aimed at his head and the Son of Arachne said to the hunting Goddess, "You do know that it is not safe to throw knives at people?"

He then noticed that Annabeth saw him and he said, "Whelp, I've gotta swing! Maybe we can talk this out later?"

Without giving a chance for Artemis to reply, Percy launched a web at the Pavilion and shot over there with Annabeth jumping through the window and jumping after the web shooting Demigod.

"I think I'm going to like my Grandson," Poseidon said with a smile. "He reminds me of that mortal I met when I was dating Paul's mother, Samantha. What was his name again? Ah it'll come to me eventually."

"Why are they fighting?" Bastet asked Chiron who sighed and said, "Probably his terrible cat puns."

Everyone looked at the centaur in confusion and he just said, "Just listen to them and you'll see why they're just terrible..."

They then walked out and heard Percy say, as he dodged a clawed hand, "Now that was just clawful."

That just made Annabeth even more mad as she jumped towards him and he jumped up saying, "Fur real? Are you really going to try that again? That was just clawful."

She then climbed up the wall and he said, instead of a cat pun, "Hey! Wall climbing is my thing! You start shooting webs and I'll sue!"

His eyes then wided and he said, after jumping off the wall and onto the roof of a cabin, "It was fur-tunate that I dodged that, you could've done some serious damage!"

"Get back here, webhead!" Annabeth said with a growl.

"Nah!" Percy said as he prepared to jump. "I'm not feline-ing it."

"WILL YOU STOP IT?!" Annabeth shouted at the top of her lungs, her emerald green eyes glaring at the Son of Arachne.

"Purr-haps," Percy said as he grinned at the Daughter of Bastet. "Only if you cat-ch me. But that isn't even paw-sible."

Annabeth's face was now a dark red due to her anger and said to her best friend, "I AM GOING TO FREAKING KILL YOU!"

As this was going on, Poseidon began laughing and said, "These puns are hiss-terical!"

Bastet then glared at the God of the Seas and said, "If you don't stop right now, I'll make you a eunuch!"

Poseidon wisely shut his mouth and they then turned back to the chase and saw Annabeth using her cat-like grace to get close to Percy who then jumped backwards and flipped in the air, before landing on his grandfather's cabin on all fours, before saying, "It's un-fur-tunate that I have to stop making jokes right meow, cause I'd rather live than die to my purr-ty fur-end."

Annabeth stopped what she was doing and she now had a light dusting on her cheeks as she said, "You think I'm pretty?"

Percy's eyes widened and he put his hand over his mouth and muttered to himself, "I shouldn't have said that."

He then looked at his friend and said, "Yeah... I do in fact. I also think that my mother is pretty, and you clearly got your mother's looks."

He said that pointing at his future (although he doesn't know it yet) mother in-law.

"H-Hey mom," Annabeth said with a wave clearly embarrassed at having her mother watch her chase Percy around like he was some sort of cat toy.

"Hey Annabeth," Bastet said walking over to her daughter, before looking at Percy who gulped and visibly paled. "So, you are Percy Jackson the Son of Arachne... I must say that, while I do not like your cat puns, I can tell that you are very powerful, and very handsome."

Percy blushed a bit at being called handsome and said, "Th-thank you ma'am."

"Now then," Bastet began as she walked over to her fellow immortals with the two Demigods behind her. "Let's see if we can't get Arachne over here and then figure out how to convince Zeus that you can live so that you can marry my daughter!"

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