I drink tea, darling

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(A/N this title is inspired by something Tom Holland says in an interview or something 😂 also I don't reeeaaaally know what this is if I'm being honest. My writing's been really bad lately so sorry..)

Riiiing. Riiiing. Riii- silence. She shut off her annoyingly loud alarm before it could awake her sleeping boyfriend's precious slumber. She yawned and looked over at Jughead. She smiled at his relaxed face and ran her hands through his soft black hair and kissed his forehead and giggled quietly when he smiled in his sleep.

She got out of bed and walked downstairs to make herself some coffee. She got excited when she remembered they planned to go laser tagging today. Her thoughts were stopped, however, when she heard the footsteps of her beloved boyfriend walking into the kitchen.

"Imagine my surprise when you're not beside me this morning!" he said while yawning. Betty laughed and took a sip of her coffee. She held up her mug and asked if he wanted any.

"I drink tea, darling," he said while reaching for the mug Betty had gotten him as an anniversary gift. Betty's jaw dropped.


"Jeez relax it was a joke I just saw this really fun Kermit meme yesterday and I've been wanting to drink some tea," he laughed. Betty laughed with him and wondered why on earth her boyfriend was looking at Kermit memes at 18.

"We've been together for two years and you've like never had tea so I got worried."

Jughead laughed and shook his head. It was a silly thing to get worried about. He walked over and hugged his girlfriend while a content sigh came out of his mouth.

They were just two people in love.

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