3. Chapter three

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      I groaned feeling pain from all the torturing I had received yesterday. My body was numb and cold, and I knew the end was yet to come.

The horrid memory of him going through the long length of torturing me just to get the information I had no idea about made me realize probably dying would be the best thing.

I tried standing but grimaced in pain uncontrollably as the long lines of knife marks traveled down my thighs hurt like a bitch. The last thing I remembered from yesterday was my body giving out and the sight of him smirking.

How could someone be so heartless? This was a definite setback in trying to escape from this horrifying place or devil that would now haunt my dreams to come. If I'm not able to walk how the hell could I escape?

He'd promised to return today with other methods of making me talk. I started crying again for my dear life not wanting to go through it again. It was best I tried killing myself first.

At this rate, my body was shivering from cold. I knew soon or later I'd go into Hypothermia. I would rather die from it than face those monsters again.

"Food" The guard from outside the cell held a plate to my face as he scrunched his nose upward and peered at me with disgust.

"T-Thank you" I whispered grabbing the plate from his hand. The food contained a glass of milk with a dry toast and egg. I was still grateful to God for providing me with it but wouldn't it be best I died from starvation?

"The boss will be down soon enough. Let's see how long you can last for today before dying or telling the truth" The man from yesterday spoke.

I gulped knowing what he was saying was completely true. Maybe dying was for the best. Even if I was to make up a story, I doubt it'll stop me from being killed.

I groaned I was hopeless. I have a hope of leaving here but at the same time a hope of dying. I was conflicted not knowing what to do.

I was suddenly not in the mood to eat anymore. They were preparing me, so I'd have the strength to go through another torture.

"Could I use your bathroom?" I begged him hoping he'd let me out of the cell. I didn't need to use the bathroom but at least I could then try to escape.

"There's a bucket in the corner of your right. Let it be your best friend" he smirked.

"Surely you don't expect me to use that. I'm a woman for crying out loud" The bucket smelled as if it had been used by previous prisoners before me.

"Looking at both you and that bucket I'd say it's in much better condition than you are for one it doesn't reek as much as you do" he spat.

"I'm not going to use that" I glared.

"Well then I see your out of luck" he responded.

"What's your name" I questioned I needed to find a way to get through to him.

"Why do you ask? See something you might like?" he flaunted.


"The name's Sergio" he replied nonchalantly.

"Do you have a sister or a Mother Sergio?"

"I know where this is going and don't think for a second, I'll fall for it, there's nothing I can do for you little girl" he responded coldly glaring at me.

"What about a girlfriend?" I pushed. I know I was pushing my boundaries but there was something about him that I just could not put my hands on.

"Look we don't have time for that stuff. Men like us don't have any affiliation with anyone or else they die.......unless you'd like to be my girlfriend" he flashed a devious smile my way.

"No" I slowly backed away from him.

"Suit yourself maybe I would've gotten a deal with the boss not to kill you. You would've been a great pet, but I guess you like being tortured" he responded.

I was never going to be his pet. I scowled at him letting him know I disagreed with what he had just suggested. I would prefer to die even if he was a bit handsome.

"What is this place?"


"Why are you guys all tattooed up and why is he so adamant on wanting to know who sent me here?" I needed answers.

"That's none of your business little girl."

"Well, if I'm about to die the least you could do is tell me."

"I owe you nothing."

At his last word, my body began to feel extremely week and I was sure that I'd be out soon enough from hypothermia.

"Jack get Valentino in here quickly," I heard Sergio tell the guard before everything went dark.






The sound of a beeping machine could be heard from beside me and I slowly peered my eyes open to find myself on a bed. Wires were currently attached to my hand, and I was more than glad to be out of that disgusting cell.

The room was quite small, and the windows were nailed with boards which meant I had no way of escaping if I was to go through the window.

My hands were cuffed to the bed as well. I looked around the room to find a door that hopefully led to a bathroom and a small table with a drawer was also inside the room.

"Your finally awake" The familiar voice of the man that almost killed me spoke instantly frightening me.

The figure stood in the corner of the room. His deadly peer of blue eyes staring back at me. I feared for my life trembling and almost on the verge of tears, this was not happening. Not again.

"You're lucky that my friend pleaded for your life or else I'd have left you in that cell to rot and die" he stared upon me intensely.

Tears pooled down my face as I thought of how he would further torture me after my first.

"Just so you may know the moment I get a word from the nurse that you're ok I'll have you removed back your cell so we can continue our further discussions" The devil spoke eyes glistening.

"P-please just let me go, I don't know anything" I cried for him to let me go.

"Whoever sent you taught you well, didn't they? Was it the Romano's who sent you?" He questioned moving closer towards me.

"I-I don't know how I got here, for crying out loud I don't even know my name!" I pleaded even more.

But he just stood there without a word watching my every move intensely. It was as if he was trying to figure me out.

Several moments later and he was still watching me like a hawk as I laid on the bed scared for my life.

I took this time to look closely at him. Dark thick hair cut short with tattoos that covered his very thick form and he had Light blue eyes. If I wasn't in a dilemma, I'd say he was damn sexy. He was gorgeous. Why couldn't he have been good?

"Why don't you just kill me and get this over with?" I questioned him.

"Because that'll be a lot too easy and painless. I like torturing my victims and having them beg for mercy. Living off my victim's fear is what keeps me sane, and I'll make sure to break you, over and over again."


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