Chapter Thirteen: Determination

Start from the beginning

When Kanako thought back on the results, she remembered where Michi had landed: fifth from the bottom. "Why does she want to do this then?" Kanako wondered. Michi was still trying to make her case to Itsuki, but it seemed she was getting nowhere. "Ugh, whatever!" Michi said, finally giving up. "I don't care if you think I can do it or not!" Itsuki shrugged, then went back to eating her lunch.

"How about you Kana-chan?" Mayu asked. Kanako felt a little nervous. "How should I answer that? Honestly I don't really want to do this, but Mi-chan seems so set on it...mmm..." Kanako eventually decided to go with: "I-I think it'll be okay." In truth, she really wasn't sure if it would be, but something told her that if she voiced her concerns, it would upset Michi. "I guess I don't have much of a choice now..." Kanako sighed to herself.

The day went on and Kanako continued to wonder why Michi had volunteered the two of them for that particular event. There was nothing from last year she could seem to recall that could tell her why Michi wanted to join in on the festivities. In fact, there was nothing in the girl's history that indicated why. Everyone knew that while Michi was good at academics, her athletics were rather lacking. For as long as Kanako had known her, that had always been the case.

No matter how hard she thought, nothing came to mind. "Even if she just wanted to be a part of the festival, did she really have to drag me into it too?" Kanako wondered. It was at that moment that another thought occurred to Kanako. "Wait... if I have to do some sort of practice for this, won't that ruin my plans for fixing things with Haruna?!" she panicked. "Well, it's not like a practice or two would take up a ton of time or anything, but the festival is only a couple days away anyways..."

"Geez, what am I going to do..." Kanako said aloud.

"Hm? Who're you talking to?" Michi asked as she stood next to Kanako's desk. "O-Oh, Mi-chan," Kanako said nervously. "W-What's up?" "What do you mean 'what's up?' We have to go practice for the 800 meter tag team. I told you at lunch didn't I?" "Huh?" Kanako said, confused. She looked at the clock and saw that it was already past the time to go. "I just got back from explaining to Naomi-senpai why we won't be at club the next couple of days. So come on, let's go!"

It took a moment for everything Michi had said to sink in. Kanako had been so caught up in her own head that she hadn't even noticed the bell ring nor did she notice Michi both leave and come back. On top of that, cooking club was now on hold for the both of them. "And now we're practicing...?" Kanako thought.

Before she knew it, Michi had already packed Kanako's things and was dragging the girl behind her to the track. When they arrived, Kanako was surprised to find hardly anyone there. She had at least expected the track club members to be present. Kanako told that to Michi as well, who in turn gave an annoyed expression. "Itsuki-chan told us at lunch that they didn't have practice this week. Were you listening at all then?" Michi explained in a huff. Kanako felt a little embarrassed.

"Anyways, it's good there's only a few others here," Michi continued. "If we waited until tomorrow, it would probably be packed!" Kanako agreed. She remembered walking home last year and going past the track just a day before the festival. There had been so many students on it at once that it was a wonder to her that anyone could practice with so little space.

Once the two girls had gotten changed into their gym clothes, they headed straight back to the track. "It's too bad we don't get any starting blocks or anything," Michi commented. "A-Aren't those hard to use?" Kanako asked. "Not really. Itsuki-chan uses them all the time, so I'm sure it's not that hard," Michi answered. "Yeah, but she's a member of the track club..." Kanako thought.

"So who's going first, me or you?" Michi asked. Kanako stared at her. "She sounds so excited... It makes me feel kind of bad for not wanting to do this..." Then Kanako smiled. "How about you?" she suggested. "Sure!" Michi replied happily. "Maybe... I should just do my best and try to enjoy this," Kanako thought.

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