Home? or Hate.

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"It couldn't possibly be you, you cannot be her it just cannot be." "My lady asked for your name, shall I take it from your tongue?"

Backing into a low bow he spoke "forgive me my name is good Solonius. I am a lanista of Capua, and good friends with the man you claimed as father."

Rising to his full height Hector places me behind him "I am Prater Hector Lentulus Braxsus captain of Varis Parbaris Domittas army, I see no reason we explain ourselves to the likes of a lanista."

I cluch Lyth§ander closer to me I truly hated when Hector or he fights. The way they fight is ... frightening for Hector he looks cold as if the gods cut him from stone and not flesh. As for Lyth§ander we he seems to enjoy being covered in blood.

"Apologies, I meant no disrespect towards you. Although you must be who you claim for I would recognize Hector the flayer in any regards. I am headed to your father's villa now to smooth sting of great loss in the arena?"

"That is gracious of you I fear that my memory no longer knows these streets as it once had. Please rest in the carriage i will be but a moment I wish to great my father with a gift as well s his new bride."

Solonius bows as he turns to the carriage. Now I will leave them to collect the wine for I truly wish to impress my new mother. Hmm, new mother is such an odd thing to say.

My grandfather would recite everyday who my mother was. I have love for her but I know her not. Finally a jeweler lest hope I find something of value that she likes.

The Daughter of Batiatus:Mark of Orion Book OneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang