Entering Woman hood. Becoming A Lanista

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Three years have passed since I have step foot in Capua or seen my father. I heard he remarried a common woman, I truly hope she comes to think of me as her own child. Growing up without a mother puts a burden on you that I wouldn't wish anyone to bear,and how could anyone expect me to come of age when I've no idea what it means to do just that.

I'm pulled from my slumbered musings, by the feeling of a slight caress, as gentle as feather, on my cheeks. Rousing to a sitting position, as I cracked my eye open. And the first sight I am graciously given is Hector's broad, chiseled chest.

Bashfully I turn over, "Why must you always wake me so improperly Hector"! A familiar deep rumble, better known as Hectors version of stifled laughter, and the shifting of clothing could be heard over my left shoulder.

"Apologies, princess we have reached Capua, a quick pass through the market and we shall reach your father's ludas at night break. Did you wish to continue on or rest for a moment for refreshment"?

Dedicated to my most wonderful Bata: RoxTheFoxtoo
To whom this chapter wouldn't be completed without.

The Daughter of Batiatus:Mark of Orion Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now