The Reconciliation: And the Beginning of Fate.

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It was only then that I noticed we had stopped and Ly§ander was standing by with the curtain open just enough so I can see him. "Yes thank you for waking me my Dragii Mi, I would like to get a gift for my father and his bride but, I am unsure what to give them".

Placing my hands in his I let him lift me from the carriage then taking the lead in guiding me in the direction of a wine merchant, with Hector taking up the rear. "Perhaps wine for your father and jewelry for your mother princess".

I nod acceptance but my focus has been caught by a man with pale blonde hair, he was arguing with the wine merchant yet we continued on.

As we stop behind the man I could hear him threaten the merchant, his voice sounds familiar to me, yet its been so long I doubt if I am right. "This had better be in greater taste and value than the filth you sold me before you worthless cunt".

My curiosity got the best of me so I ask Lyth§ander "what does it mean Lyth?" "What are you asking lună mică?" Before I can even ask I was cut off by Hector casually saying "Sir I will only ask once for you not to use such language in front of My Lady Batiatus".

Our interruptions caused his head to turn to us in a sheepish manner. I swear he seems familiar to me yet I could not place his face nor his name by the gods it is annoying.

"There is only one Batiatus family in this town, one who I am great friends with. So who are you, to make such bold claims that my greatest friends only child Is standing Before My Eyes Now?" 

"Talk before I have your tongues removed for your false claims."

Feeling both my dragii mi's starting to draw their gladius! I step forward in hopes to dissipate a bloody end for the withered man.

"I am Helena Aelia Aquila Batiatus sole daughter of Quintus Lentulus Batiatus, I am returning from the villa of my paterfamilias of my mother's line". Stepping closer I clasps his hands in mine.

"Forgive my forwardness but who are you that I might know your name?"

"It couldn't possibly be you, you cannot possibly be her it just cannot be."

"My lady asked for your name, shall I take it from your tongue?"

Backing into a low bow he spoke "forgive me my name is good Solonius. I am a lanista of Capua, and good friends with the man you claimed as father."

The Daughter of Batiatus:Mark of Orion Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now