C15| I Never Thought

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Like a predator drawn to the scent of fear that amicable smile feel and was replaced by a cold expressionless face. "Give me your arm Sophia! I will not ask again!" The polite was gone too, now it was the same as her beautiful face hard and ice cold. I shivered at the sound and stood up. "No! And I think it's time for you to leave." I yelled moving away from her or I tried to, but she reached out like viper locked my arm in a death grip and had me back on the couch before I even had a second to take another breath. What the hell? Why is she so strong? "Let go of me! Are you fucking insane?" Yelling at her I try to beat her hand off my arm. "Let go, your hurting me." Talia simply rolled her eyes and raised the needle. "No, no stop!" I was screaming at her now. Screaming and kick to no avail. She was impossibly strong. "Help!"

"Shut up!" She commanded twisting my arm to the point of breaking. Tears formed in my eyes at the pain. "This is for your own good, it won't hurt but if you keep moving around I'll be force to stick this into your neck. So keep still." I stopped moving. No, no. I had a horrible feeling about whatever was in that veil, the way it glowed was unnatural and so was the fact that she was forcing me to take. Shit!

Talia smirked and brought the need towards my arm but I grabbed her wrist. "Please you can't give me that. It's clearly not vitamins and..."

"Let go before you hurt yourself mortal." Mortal? She shook my hand off and glared at me. The look in her eye froze me. I suddenly could not move it was like she cast some sort of spell on me. Which was impossible. Talia was just freakishly strong and most definitely psychotic but not magical. What the hell was I even thinking?

"Stop please. You really can't give me that." Ignoring my pleas she pushed the need into my skin. "I'm PREGNANT!" She froze, went completely still like a real like statue. And suddenly I could move. So I did, slapping her hands away and pulling the syringe out of my arm I threw it across the room it shattered into a hundred little pieces.

But just like before when I tried to get up she pulled me right back down fast enough to give me wipe lash. She immediately placed her hand over my belly.

"Don't touch me." I yell at Talia pulling away from her vice like grip.

She let me go while she remained wide eyed and totally frozen. I didn't need a better invitation to get the hell out of there and as far away from her as possible.

I made it through the foyer in record time, knock into what looked like a hundred year old antique vase but I made it. Slamming the down button on the elevator I quickly realized that this was the penthouse of Knight Tower which was an 80-story-building if I remember correctly. Shit!

Warm strong arms wrapped me up and held me. "No!" I scream.

"Hey, hey calm down it's just me. What happened?" Lucifer! Pulling away and assessing me for injuries or signs of trouble. I noticed he did that sometimes he'd wake up in the middle of the night and just watch me like he was trying to find flaws in the imagine he had of me.

"Sophia what happened I thought you were with Talia?" Lucifer's eyes looked behind me like he'd find her there waiting for me to return. 'My name is Talia, Lucifer asked me to perform your physical exam.'

Lucifer asked me? Lucifer asked me... The words continued to echo in my mind a war drum that sounded the end of my assumed safe haven... Lucifer Knight!

"You sent her? The doctor bitch from hell!" He raised an eyebrow at my tone. "Doctor bitch? She'll love that and yes I sent her. Talia is my personal physician." He repeated with a smirk. That same smirk that use to make me weak in the needs. He knew! He sent her so he had to know.

"How could you do this?" My voice barely a whisper. "How did you find out? You must have done a blood test or something while I was asleep, right?"

"Right, Lucifer?" I yelled slamming my hands into his chest. Like a solid brick wall he did not move but I made damn sure to get out of this arms. Those same arms that only seconds ago offered so much security and warmth had now became the tools of liar. Of this man who I had given so much of myself too, more than I'd given anyone ever. Looking at him now  brought only blinding rage!

"What happened? Did Talia hurt you?" He questioned reaching out me once again. "No, that impossible she wouldn't dare." He shook his head dismissing the thought.

"Wouldn't dare? What wouldn't she dare Lucifer... Your personal physician? What wouldn't you dare Lucifer." I slapped his hands away and stepped back towards the elevator. Realision seemed to dawn in those electric blue eyes.

"Sophia if your don't tell me what happened I won't know. So tell me." He'd stopped trying to reach for me, his hands falling to his sides and looked me dead in the eye as if he could read my thoughts. "Acting innocent, huh? It's a good defense, I don't know anything so I'm not guilty of anything, right?" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the look that just passed over Lucifer Knight's face. Pure confusion. But I didn't care anymore, she was his doctor and no one and I mean no one that works for Knight Industries ever does anything here without Lucifer's say so.

So he was guilty!

"What are you going on about Sophia?" Lucifer's voice had become softer then a second ago but alot firmer than he'd ever spoken to me with.

"What I'm going on about Lucifer is that syringe? And your sick ass doctor who tried to inject me with it. What I'm going on about is the fact that somehow you know and this," I wave my hands in the direction I'd just run from. "This is your response?" Ting! The elevator doors opened me behind me. And as if sensing my desire to flee he stepped forward.

"My response? Sophia the injection is supposed to help you!" The war drums had stopped everything had stopped. I don't know how I managed to get into that elevator or how I stood tall and looked the man I loved right in his beautiful eyes and say exactly what I needed to say without breaking down but I did it and all in the minute it took for the those metal doors to close on any hope of repairing our relationship.

"Help me? By killing my unborn child? Your child?"


And he knows??? 😏😏😏

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Ooh, if there is any spelling and grammar mistakes let me know...

Lucifer!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن