29. This is where I belong.

Start from the beginning

Despite the protection he was clearly afforded, Tyler was vigilant. He only went to the toilet with someone as company, drank nothing that wasn't in a locked bottle and was paying attention to over enthusiastic admirers.

"You know how to behave in a gay bar," Henry said, observantly.
"Yes. I learned that in a painful way,' Tyler said. Without naming names and places, he told his story.
"Oh my god. Did you escape that in the nick of time? And the man who saved you is the one you're in love with?" Henry waved himself cool. "He sounds delightful." Henry shook his head. "We have to find someone for you to kiss with," he said resolutely. He shoved Tyler towards Michael. "Emergency," Henry said. "We need a nice thing that can give this boy a delicious kiss here."
Tyler protested loud and violent, but was totally ignored.

In a fierce discussion, Michael suddenly raised his hands. Henry looked at him expectantly. "I know the perfect man. Wait here."
"What did you do?" exclaimed Tyler, appalled. "I thought you were going to protect me from this shit?"
"Calm down," Henry said. "This is a controlled situation. You are looking for new experiences and this way you are not in danger." He rubbed Tyler's arm reassuringly. 
Michael came back. "Walk with me."
"Who did you find?" asked Henry.
"His name is Jason."
Henry's mouth fell open. "Thunder god Jason?"
Michael laughed. "Look who's jealous?" he said with amusement. "He's been keeping an eye on our boy here all night. He was more than willing to serve you."

Henry gave him a wink and Tyler blew out shaky as Michael grabbed him by the hand.
"Maybe this will come in handy," he said, and put something in Tyler's back pockets.
Tyler followed Michael with butterflies in his belly. "Is he pushy?" he asked.
"He'll stop as soon as you ask," Michael said.
They walked up to a man who was as beautiful as it was impressive.
"This guy had been watching him all night?" thought Tyler, shocked.

Jason's beautiful body was highlighted by a black shirt and black leather pants. Long black hairs lay in a braid on his muscular back. Dark blue eyes took him freely. "You have to be Tyler," he said. "I'm Jason."
Tyler shook hands. His touch felt warm and pleasant.
"We're going to a quiet corner. Michael stays with us."
He gently took Tyler by the hand and piloted him. A reasonably lit corner was their end goal. As a bodyguard, Michael discreetly turned his back on them and kept others at an appropriate distance.

Slowly Jason pushed Tyler backwards until he stood against a wall. Tyler waited for the shivers that always plagued him when Jared was standing in front of him. The dominant way Jason approached him was only a faint echo of the threat Jared exuded. Even before Jason kissed him, he knew this wasn't going to work out. But because there was so much effort done for him, he gave it a chance.

His eyes closed the moment Jason pressed his mouth on his lips. His hands lay quietly on Jason's firm biceps. The gentle pressure and caressing tongue did not arouse desire. Jason tilted his mouth and changed technique. Very impressive, but it didn't bother him. He was about to put an end to the kiss when the behemoth was snatched away from him.

His eyes flew open and looked into Jared's furious face.
"Why do I always find you in the arms of strange men," Jared furiously hissed at him.
"Do you know this guy?" Jason asked Tyler quietly.
"Yes. Everything's fine, thank you," he said as kindly as possible.
Jason slowly withdrew.

"You can't be here," Tyler said urgently. "Henry is here and he knows who you are."
"Come with me," Jared demanded.
Blue eyes begged for mercy. "No, I can't."
Jared got closer. His face was severe and his black eyes were threatening. Tyler's senses were on edge and desire tore through him. "You have to go," he said, mesmerizingly staring at Jared's mouth.
"Not until I've tasted you," Jared said growling.

Their mouths devoured each other. Tyler awakened under his touch. Everything he was looking for, he found here. Hands slid restlessly over each other's bodies. They were equals in this burning hunger and so perfectly matched.
"You have to go," Tyler said over and over again, pulling him closer over and over again.

After all, it was Jason who separated them. "Why is D'Paul looking for you?" he asked Jared, who angrily picked him up.
"Who the hell is D'Paul?"
"Son of a bitch, bull's neck, bald head," Jason described.
Jared was thinking. "Oh, I encountered him at the door. He was harassing someone, and I straightened him out. Why?"
Jason looked at him admiringly. "He gathered some buddies and he's coming to get his revenge."

Jared immediately looked at Tyler. "You have to get out of here. I can't do anything if you're not safe."
The look in his eyes sent shivers through Tyler. He realized at that moment that his resistance was over. He had lost his heart to a man who would never be his, but running away was no longer an option. He pressed a kiss full of passion on Jared's mouth. "Come back to me," he said to his lips.

Michael pulled him away from Jared and took him to relative safety. Tyler watched Jason stay with Jared and even get support from Brian and Sean. Henry stood with his arm wrapped protectively around stood behind Tyler, who watched anxiously as the group approached with rioters. He wailed softly.
"Oh my goodness! Were you talking about him?" asked Henry, who recognized Jared.
"Yes," Tyler moaned.
"What a man!" sighed Henry.
Tyler who saw Jared's fearless and unyielding attitude answered proudly: "He certainly is."

He watched Jared speak to the men who supported him. They nodded simultaneously. 'Of course Jared had something planned.'

The masses parted and the groups attacked each other. Tyler would have preferred  not to look, but didn't dare turn his eyes away from Jared. From his corner of the eye, he saw something flash. Someone came with a knife.

Jared's group was winning the battle, and someone wanted to put a stop to that. Tyler wrestled his way out of Henry's arms. With no sense of self-preservation, he set an interception course. Just before the knifeman could stab his blade into Jared, Tyler intercepted him. With a few simple movements, he disarmed and neutralized the man. He also made short work of the instigator of all the violence. The two weeks in Paris had given him the necessary skills and the adrenaline did the rest.

Five minutes later they were all outside at the club's friendly but urgent request to leave.

Jared had taken Tyler in his arms after the uproar and didn't seem to let go. Tyler, who had no qualms about this at all, leaned against him with an arm around his waist.
Henry winked at him. "You were right when you said you're a magnet for trouble." Tyler looked at him with a smile. Jason had put his arm firmly around Henry and this one grinned contentedly.

"This was an eventful evening. I can't thank the men enough for their support," his voice faltered. "Thank you."
Henry nodded appreciatively. "Will do." He was looking at the grip that was holding Tyler. "You found your man. Hold on to him."
The group disintegrated after the last hugs and greetings.

Jared helped Tyler in a waiting cab. "Where do you want to go?" asked Jared.
Tyler appreciated that Jared offered him a way out, but he didn't need it. His eyes mirrored the desire he read in Jared's eyes. "I go where you go," he said simply.
"Hotel Montel."
The taxi buzzed through the night while Tyler was lying against Jared's chest. The heartbeat under his ears reassured him.

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