My never ending love for you.

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   The Survey Corps wasn't expecting any new cadets to join them. They knew for sure that there won't be any new cadets joining them. However, when a lot of cadets including Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean and the rest joined, most of the scouts in the Survey Corps were shocked. It was certainly surprising and unexpected.

   However, the thing that shocked them the most, was when Commander Erwin made a sudden meeting in the mess hall exclaiming that there will be a new cadet joining now. Eren and the rest have joined for a very long time now, and thus, a new cadet joining at this time was totally unexpected and shocking. Even Erwin himself seemed not sure about this new cadet, they all noticed from the look in his eyes, disappointment and hesitant filled his ocean-blue eyes. Besides, him sighing every few minute was enough to tell them that something was odd.

   "Commander Erwin, is there something wrong with that new-coming cadet?" Corporal Levi was the only one who had enough courage to ask him. Erwin sighed again as he rubbed the back of his neck. "The new cadet is a female. I know we have lots of female scouts and they are quite strong so this is not exactly the issue. She.. does not seem to be strong. If anything, I actually have no doubt that she will die in her first expedition." Erwin told Levi and Hanji who happened to be beside the Corporal with a sigh of defeat.

Levi clicked his tongue in obvious annoyance, he didn't know what to reply or say to the Commander. "Well, she may seem to be weak but we still don't know yet, right? We can't judge her while we still don't know her! We didn't even see her yet so.. let's give her a chance..? Besides, It's not like you saw her Erwin, so I don't know how you judged her, however we can wait and meet her personally and judge her afterwards." Hanji tried to cheer them up and lighten the mood a little.

"Shitty glasses is right. We can't judge the new brat yet. We still didn't even meet her." Levi told the blonde Commander. Erwin smiled slightly agreeing with his companions as he nodded to them. "You're both right. Well, the new cadet is coming tomorrow, Hanji make sure that she has a place in the sleeping quarters." Erwin commanded as Hanji nodded and went to check on the quarters.


The bright golden light of sunshine spread into the sleeping quarters of the scouts. The sun has fully rose, announcing that morning came. The scouts got up quite excited to see the new cadet to say the least. Erwin commanded the cadets to gather in the mess hall to meet the new cadet. As everyone gathered, Hanji has finally entered with a female behind her. The young girl was a true beauty. Her eyes were sapphire dark-blue. Her hair was long, her locks were straight, and the color of them was light-brown. She had small braids on the sides of the back of her head. She had bangs which made her look even cuter.

   She walked behind Hanji shyly, she seemed to be really nervous. Hanji turned to her with a reassuring smile. "Come on, you can introduce yourself now." Hanji told the girl with a warm smile. The girl took a deep breathe as she introduced herself. "I'm Nakajima Nazumi, It's very nice to meet you, please treat me well. I hope I can be of use and help in the expeditions." The sweet girl exclaimed. Erwin stared at her, getting lost in her beauty. However, his eyes darted as he glared daggers at the young boys— Eren and Jean, who were examining her body while drooling, though she was older than them, she was in her twenties.

   Commander Erwin cleared his throat as Jean and Eren regained their composure. An awkward silence filled the mess hall for a moment, but soon Commander Erwin started speaking. "So Nazumi is the new scout, please treat her with respect since she's older. Levi, Hanji and Nazumi, follow me." The Commander demanded as the trio followed.

   It was a quiet walk, except for Hanji that kept babbling about Titans and her new experiments. Nazumi was all ears, listening and giving attention to every single thing Hanji talked about, which took Erwin's attention. Erwin kept glancing at her every now and then, which Corporal Levi has taken a notice of. Levi couldn't help but sigh and walk to the Commander as he said, "If you don't stop staring at her like that they will think you're a perverted old man." He simply said facing forward instead of the blonde man.

My never ending love for you | Erwin X Nazumi - One shotWhere stories live. Discover now