When You Meet

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You were walking down an alley when some Purple Dragons walked up to you. "And how are you sweet cheeks?" A tall buff guy answered. You walked away ignoring his question. "Where do you think your going?" The guy slammed you against the wall. You let out a shriek and covered your face with your hands. You waited for the impact, but instead you heard thumping and moans (Dirty Minds You! ;D). You uncovered your eyes to see a.... turtle? "Are you okay?" He asked. You, dumbfounded, reached your hand out and straddled his cheek. The turtle stepped back. "My name is Y/N." You said. "My name is Leo." And with that he jumped into the darkness but left a paper behind with his number on it.


You were heading home at twelve, because your friend dragged you to a party and got drunk. "Y/N, Sweetie, where you going" (G/N) said. You ignored him and kept walking. He got angry and slapped your butt. You felt anger rise in your stomach as you turned to punch him but someone beat you to it. There stood a turtle, with a red mask. He quickly left but gave you his number. My hero you thought.


You shuffled around your dads warehouse looking for supplies for your invention. You heard rustling behind you and quickly turned around. "Hello?" You called out. A shy creature came out of the darkness. He coward down. He jumped up and left, but not without dropping a piece of paper, with his number on it. Is it just me, or was he cute?..... (Comment if you agree XD)


You were walking to the pizza shop by (Everyone does skateboarding so now your rollerblading!) Rollerblading. You passed this turtle?... Which made you slam on your breaks and stare in awe. He was doing an awesome 360°. "Wow, dude. Wait to rock that skateboard." Was all you said and he gave you his number.

Awesome right?..... XD

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