Chapter 6

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Y/n and Bela were in a town called Kuoh as Bela said it would help the get to the Underworld quickly as the town was known to be an importance to devils since it was their territory as they were in town Bela wore a simple pair of every day clothing while Y/n wore a cloak since it was impossible to remove the armor he wears since it is fused to his skin

Y/n and Bela were in a town called Kuoh as Bela said it would help the get to the Underworld quickly as the town was known to be an importance to devils since it was their territory as they were in town Bela wore a simple pair of every day clothin...

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Bela looked at Y/n in worry since was releasing an ungodly amount of power from his body which can be felt from miles away but luckily can't be seen

Bela: Y/n could you at least hide your presence.

Y/n: No.

Bela: Please your power can be felt from miles from here even a novice can pick it up.

Y/n: Don't care.

Bela: But if they come for you?

Y/n: If it is a pigeon I'll cut it's head if it is a crow I'll rip it's wings off if it is a bat I'll rip it's arms off and fucking beating it to death with them not in that type of order but it proves my point that I don't give a damn.

Y/n continues to walk through town with a scared Bela following in tow they past by multiple of people as they got out they way of Y/n as he scares people quite easily soon enough it was nighttime as Y/n and Bela found a warehouse to sleep in after clearing out a stray devil that lived in said warehouse Y/n was quite content on ripping the thing to pieces which give him enjoyment as Bela ruined the somewhat normal mood Y/n some how is able to stay in after clearing out the corpse Y/n called dibs to a corner as he layed down in said corner Bela found a sleeping mat as she slept in that after a while Y/n soon pulled out a flat round stone that blended in with his armor Y/n held the stone as he rubbed it a little with his other hand the stone glowed red with a mark on it

Y/n continues to walk through town with a scared Bela following in tow they past by multiple of people as they got out they way of Y/n as he scares people quite easily soon enough it was nighttime as Y/n and Bela found a warehouse to sleep in afte...

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Quickly as it came the stone stopped glowing Y/n sighed as he put it away as he soon started drifting off into his dreams which will soon end as a meeting between him and legendary dragon of untold terror

Y/n pov

I woke to find myself in a complete shadow like forest

Y/n: So..... I ended up in the hell of Shadowmirror...... how very lucky for me *growls*

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