" I didn't want to believe it"

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Spoiler to The/Their Journey

I didn't post this when I wrote it ( like a month ago) because it wasn't in the book yet

I didn't want to believe it. How could I do this?

I look at Hero's lifeless body lying on the pavement.

I finally did it.

I finally murdered that son of a bitch and yet I still feel empty.

I thought I'd be happy, glad it was over, but I'm not.

I unbutton my shirt, taking it in my hands and dragging the body to the ditch.

I bury him, looking at John's face one last time.

He won't bother me or my business ever again.

I walk up the hill and see the piece of metal, from my car, lying on the road, still with the fresh blood of Hero on the tip.

I dig a small hole and bury that too.

I look at my back of my car and look at the dent.

I have to pay to get it repaired now that he's dead.

He always ruins everything.

I hope Mary's asleep when I get home.... she'll be alarmed to see the blood on my shirt.

I have a large cut on my arm when I tore off the scrap metal.

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