Chapter Eight

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As soon as he was out of his dorm, Fuyuhiko breathed in the crisp fresh air. He walked away swiftly. Maybe he could explore around the large campus, and the small quaint shops around the subway right in the campus.
Around the dorms was a giant courtyard, alike to a park, that led into the small shopping area.
The park was nice and quaint. The grass green trimmed and cared for. There were a few flower arranged gardens. For such a renowned school, he wasn't surprised. Even the engraved bricks on the sidewalk seemed new despite having various dates of graduation on them. The earliest of which that Fuyuhiko had seen was labeled 1935.
Fuyuhiko hummed, continuing his short and nice walk until he made it to a more cleared out area. There were multiple shops in a circular like formation around the stairs leading down into the subway.
He shook his head, spotting a white bench near the side, and walking over to plop himself onto it. He focused on the music thrumming in his ears and hummed along absentmindedly, watching the sun slowly descend.
He got up when the sunset was about to happen, looking to the shops nearby.
His eyes caught on one.
Kizikura Cafe was what the sign said.
He hummed, and made his way over. As soon as he was in front of it, a rush of air smelling like pastries, tea, and coffee made its way to Fuyuhiko.
He looked inside, seeing a tan man with green hair taking orders.
Why not.
He thought to himself.
He walked in, the calming smell and warmth intensified.
He waited in the short line, only a blonde with a long, wavy ponytail ordering in front of him.
As soon as she ordered, she rushed over to a table with two others.
Fuyuhiko went up.
'Juzo' was what the mans name said.
"Hey, welcome to the Kizakura cafe. What can I get you today?" He asked, his voice was gruff, but his smile was genuine.
"I'll just order a orange chamomile tea and a peanut-butter cookie."
The man smiled, grabbing a cup and picking up a sharpie,
"What will the name for that be?"
"Alright. It'll be 5.78."
Fuyuhiko took out a card from his wallet and put it in the chip reader.
"Alright Fuyuhiko, thanks for the order! It should be at the counter soon." He said, then looked back to the other man as Fuyuhiko put two dollars in the tip jar.
"Hey, sweetheart, theres another order~" he sang. The other blushed, and took the cup. Fuyuhiko walked off, waiting at a small table for his order to be called.
"Fuyuhiko." The other said, Fuyuhiko got up quickly, and walked over.
'Kyoske' was on his name tag.
"Thank you very much." Fuyuhiko said, taking his tea and cookie.
"No problem. We hope to see you again." His voice was calm and firm, but light.
Fuyuhiko nodded, mumbling a thanks before walking out of the cafe.
The sun was just above the horizon, making the sky break out into a colorful blooming sunset.
He looked at it for a small bit, the vibrant oranges yellows pinks and purples flooding the sky.
He hurriedly placed his coffee and cookie on the same bench he sat on earlier and took a picture. After, he shoved his phone back into his pocket and picked up his items, taking a sip of his tea. The warmth made his lips quirk up.
Not into a smirk or a fake smile.
A genuine smile, a content  smile.
As it turned night and the stars began to come out, a small chill hit the air.
The tea in his hands was warm in contrast. He began to walk back.
On the path, he saw lanterns that he didn't see before. They lit up the way back to the university. And as soon as he was back at the dorms, he sighed and rubbed his wrist that held his coffee.
What if Hajimes friends hate him now? What if Hajime is suspicious?
He never did divulge into his last name- well... he wasn't even sure if he had told his family name to anyone but the receptionist since he got here.
He breathed out shakily, and took another sip of his tea.
He continued walking to the dorms. He went upstairs and made it to in front of his dorm room, hesitating before unlocking the door and opening it.
Chiaki, Hajime, and Nagito all sat together on the couch.
They all had game consoles out- PS Vitas it looked like- and seemed to be playing a fighting game.
Hajime and Chiaki seemed to be immersed in the games. So- oddly enough, Nagito was the first to notice him.
His eyes looked up, and then shined.
"Ah! Fuyuhiko! Hello!" He greeted kindly, as If Fuyuhiko hadn't thrown scissors at his head and just missed by a hair.
As soon as Fuyihikos name was said Hajimes head snapped up, his game forgotten.
Chiaki took the time to pause hers, and looked up, much more calm than the others.
"F-Fuyuhiko! You're back. Hey- how are you?" Hajime asked, a smile making its way to his face.
"Ah. Hello Fuyuhiko." Chiaki said, calmly.
"Uh... it was.. nice. Yes. I- Uh.. found a nice cafe." Fuyuhiko said, motioning to the coffee and small pastry bag in his hand.
"Oh. Nice." Hajime said, awkwardly.
Fuyuhiko flushed, and pressed his mouth into a thin line.
"Yeeeahhhh... I'm just gonna..." he rolled his wrist and pointed to his room.
"To my roooom.."
Hajime frowned.
"O-oh. Uh... enjoy your..."
"Yeah. Enjoy your tea."
Fuyuhiko nodded awkwardly in response, and hurried over into his room.
As soon as the door was closed Hajime slumped on the couch, covering his face with his hands.
"God.. I blew it." He mumbled. Chiaki sighed.
"You still have more chances to be friends with him. In fact- you could invite him to hang out with us. The way he looked.. he didn't not want to come. He thought that he would intrude."
After all these years, Hajime still wasn't used to Chiakis intuitive nature. He'd known her since- what? Freshman year of high school? And yet he still managed to forget how undeniably intelligent his friend was.
"Yeah.. yeah! You're right." Hajime said, ready to get up, before sinking back down.
"But.. how do you know me asking won't annoy him?"
"I don't."
"But, if you do it, at least you can say you tried. Thats more than not doing anything will get you."
Hajime stared at his friend. She gave him an encouraging smile.
The brunette knew she was right, so, he shoved down the raw anxiety that was bubbling in his stomach, and got up.
"Alright. Okay. I can do this. I can do this."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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