Mitch was partially grateful and also partially hated his newfound freedom (well ish). He’d gotten so used to Scott being close by that he missed him when he was gone, plus he was BORED. He’d scrolled through tumblr so many times while cooped up that he could probably archive it all from memory. It also didn’t help that Scott’s paranoia was rubbing off. Every noise he couldn’t explain, every creak, every footstep or voice from the hallway caused his heart to race just a bit. But he continued to work at it and just kept telling himself that things would eventually be ok.

They finally thought Scott well enough to do a couple of appearances with PTX, and every time the conversation changed over to the bank situation Mitch handled it and gave quick, vague answers, letting their interviewer know without actually saying that it wasn’t to be delved into any further.

They had a few meetings with RCA who, while trying to be understanding and tactful, also made it very clear that the press storm from Mitch and Scott’s run in with danger had all but reached its end and if they waited much longer to take advantage of it then they would miss a golden opportunity. They wanted the two of them to go on every talk show in existence, it’s not like they hadn’t already been requesting it, but Mitch shot it down immediately. There was no way Scott was ready to talk about it, and if he couldn’t then he wouldn’t be able to let Mitch out of his sight long enough to do an interview on his own.

Every meeting left them all exhausted and nothing ever seemed to get resolved.

The only thing that did seem to move forward was the music. They’d all done quite a bit of writing during the off time and it didn’t take long before they were back in the studio again. The long nights and days, the group sessions they had while working through everything helped keep their minds off of the bad things that happened and things seemed to get easier and easier.

By this point Scott and Kevin were practically living at the studio, which gave Mitch quite a bit more freedom. As long as Kevin was sure to text him when Scott would leave the studio, then he could leave the apartment without him even knowing. Just being out on his own again felt foreign. He felt almost lost as he tried to go shopping on his own or to pick up food. More often than not, he wouldn’t stay out for more than hour before he was right back in the comfort and safety of his apartment, but the fresh air and change of scenery was still nice.

He was currently alone, fighting off sleep while he 'watched' a pokemon marathon. It was just past midnight and still Scott hadn’t gotten home from the studio. He just couldn’t bring himself to sleep until he knew he was home.  (If his mother could see him now) Kevin had sent him a text around 10:30 letting him know that he was leaving Scott alone. It wasn’t really anything new. Before the incident Scott tended to get so immersed in his work that he lost track of time until it was 1 or 2 am before he realized how late it had gotten. He was actually a bit relieved that the blonde had gotten used to being alone once again, enough so that he had let go of his nightmares and fears and was able to throw himself into the music. Well, he was relieved until he tried texting and 15 minutes later he still hadn’t gotten an answer. He tried calling and still nothing.

He gave him 10 more minutes before calling again.

Ok, I’m probably overreacting. This is normal, right? He used to do this all the time.

Yeah, but he’s never NOT answered when you check on him.

But maybe his phone is on silent.

He got up from the couch, debating over what he should do. He slowly began to pace back and forth. One last call attempt and he was pulling on the first sweater he could find which happened to be Scott's. Shoes, check, phone, check, keys, bingo.

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