"Where is Kisame!?"

"With Itachi."

"And where is Itachi, Kari?"

"Beats me, Sasuke, they are always constantly moving. So those two as well as the rest of the akatsuki could be anywhere." I sighed, of course it wouldn't be this easy.

"Alright, lets go."

"Ehhhh, but we just stopped."

I ignored them and turned to Kari. "Are you coming or are you returning to the Leaf village?"

"Coming, I'm bored, and this appears to be much more entertaining then returning home." Kari jumped on my back and mumbled in my ear "piggy back ride sir ducky."

***skip ahead to where the five of then arrive at the skyward***

"I never knew we had a hideout in such a wasteland..." suigetsu commented.

"This place has nothing to do with Orochimaru. It is a store that my clan used to use. This is where we'll outfit ourselfs for battle." I muttered.

"I remember coming here with Itachi. I wonder how much Yumi has grown up. Do you think granny cat is doing well?" i tensed when she said Itachi's name.

"How do you know Sasuke's older brother, Kari?" Jugo asked.

"He was on my team in the leaf village since I was four."

"Damn, you become a ninja that early?" Suigetsu asked clearly shocked.

"Yep, I can kick your sharky ass whenever." I knew Kari was smirking now.

"I wouldn't doubt you." suigetsu shivered. "It's like a maze in here. Every turn looks the same as before."

"What an irritating place... It's stifling." karin complained.

"You're welcome to leave."

Everyone turned around. I rolled my eyes at their reaction.

"Long time no see...Denka, Hina."

"It is you Sasuke boy, and you too miss Tsukiakari."

"What brings you here, mew?"

"preparations for the battle ahead." I said without emotion.

"Wow, talking tanuki, come here, boy." Denka hissed at Suigetsu.

"They're ninja cats. Be careful or they'll claw you up." I said to everyone as a warning.

"You brought gifts, mew?" Hina asked.

"Here...It's a bottle of catnip."

"Come along, Granny cat will see you now."


Kari and I now bowed before Granny cat.

"I am truly grateful Granny cat."

"It has been a while Granny cat, it is nice to know you are still doing well." Kari said with a smile.

"So it has been, Deary, I have missed seeing your kind heart visiting me every now and then." Granny cat then turned to me. "So you are still going after Itachi?"

I said nothing.

"I've known you three since you were wee things. i would never imagine it would come to this." Granny cat looked at me disapprovingly and looked at Kari with sadness.

"Granny cat, Kari is on no ones side."

"I know boy, I just pity her since she is one of the things you and Itachi are fighting over. today, you are the only two remaining Uchiha...and yet you must kill each other..."

Kari looked away at this, a frown on her face.

"We will be going now, thank you for all you have done." I placed a good stack of over 100,000 yen in front of granny cat.

"Kari, watch over them both, will you please?"

"I shall, granny cat."

"Granny, Don't we have any bigger clothes that will fit this one?" Yumi asked granny cat.

"Just wrap him in that curtain over there. We are not a clothing store."

"Granny we are being paid!"

Jugo wrapped the curtain around himself.

"Hmmm...This will do fine."

"Introducing curtain man, the superhero who protects you from peeping toms in the bathroom!" Kari laughed out.


and that ends this chapter, sorry i havent updated! I no longer have my laptop! It kinda caught on fire in a orange soda accident (damn you cousin if you are reading this). And i wont be getting a new one till around new years.

I had to type this all up on my ipod with my thumb. My poor thumb is dead. So they're will be mistakes.

Anyways, i survived you hurricane sandy!!! Buahahahaha.

So yeah, byz!

Veramisa out! -war sign-

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