[ 2 ] I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

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Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. 

She didn't usually condone cussing, but this was a special situation.

Bakugou Katsuki was dying. Bakugou Katsuki was dying and she wasn't doing anything about it.

Her feet were frozen to the ground. She couldn't move. She couldn't move move move move go help dammit useless useless fucking USELESS MOVE—


Midoriya. Midoriya was running. Towards the villain. Midoriya Izuku was running towards the villain, towards the danger, and she was stuck there being useless

Ella started to tremble. No, you idiot, stop it you'll die!

He launched his backpack at the sludge, scrambling to help. You idiot! Stop that. . . move. . . help them! . . . you idiot!!!

The villain loomed up and up and up—


It didn't matter how she got there. Who she pushed in order to get there. All that mattered was that she was there, and Midoriya was not getting hurt. Vines of sticky weed burst from her arms, simultaneously shielding Midoriya and reaching towards Bakugou, wrapping around his torso. 

"Let him go!!" she screamed.

"Just a bit longer," the villain snarled. "So stop getting in my way!" Ella clenched her jaw. Not this time. Not this time. I'm going to do something!

Ella wrapped the vines around her arms and yanked. Hard. The villain growled. "Stop that. . . Stop that! Just a bit longer!"

Ella growled right back and yanked even harder, digging her heels into the ground. Not this time! Midoriya grabbed her arms and pulled with her. NOT THIS TIME!!!

A large hand snatched her own.

"The lesson I left you with. . . I should really practice what I preach!!"

All Might. . . ?

"A pro should always be ready to risk his life!!"




"He changed the weather with a single punch!"

"Amazing. That's. . . All Might!"

Ella looked up to the No. 1 hero in relief.

Thank God.


Ella was stuck scowling. How was she the one getting scolded? No one else besides Midoriya and All Might had even moved to help Bakugou. Speaking of Midoriya, he was sitting next to her, white as sheet. She was sure that if she breathed in his direction he would blow away. 

When they were both finally released, Ella decided to walk Midoriya home. He seemed nice and all, but maybe that was a bad thing. She was sure if something happened again he wouldn't hesitate to throw himself back at a villain he couldn't beat. He didn't mind her company. In fact, he seemed to enjoy it! That amazed Ella. She was nothing but a good-for-nothing piece of crap, and Midoriya was sure to find that out sooner or later, but she supposed what he didn't know couldn't hurt him. He was going on and on about the pro-heroes, as he had been since Ella asked about his journal. 

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