Important Authors Note

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Hello everyone...geez is this a bad way to start the day, I'm writing this at 6 in the morning btw so I'm still a bit tired but I'm not getting back to sleep anytime soon.

I have some very sad news, unfortunately I will be putting this book on indefinite hiatus, not because I don't have a story in mind, I very much do, it's just that I've lost the passion to write this story, other projects have grabbed my attention more recently and I feel that you all deserve better than what I'm capable of giving with these chapters so if you still want your Darling in the FranXX fill then go check out another story called Darling in the FranXX: Insurrection. It's really good and even I've been reading it. I may one day come back to either finish this story or I might even reboot the whole thing, who knows.

So once again, I'm very sorry about this but I feel you deserve better than what I can give. My saddest and deepest apologies for this.

But always remember to relax and stay happy, everyone deserves to be happy.

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