Uneasy Trust

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"Prince?" Kokoro asked.

"I am not your prince." I told the blue skinned woman.

She lifted her hand up to my face, her hand was so close to my face I should've felt her body heat yet I only felt a cold chill. I quickly moved my hand up and grabbed her wrist, she didn't seem startled at all by my action.

"My horns are hot and every nerve in my body is screaming at me to run away from her yet I need to do this."

"Who are you?" Zero Two asks as she walks up beside me.

The woman looks to her and her expression changes to one of disgust.

"So you're the fake he told me about." The woman said.

"Who is he?" I asked her.

She turned her gaze back to me and moved her hand back to her side.

"The one you call Franxx." She told me.

"So you've been talking to him." I said to her.

"You know!?"

I put my finger on my temple and tapped.

"APE was stupid enough to put all procedures and diaries, including audio recordings, inside my head." I told her.

"So that's how you knew about the weapons and the tactics." Hiro said.

"So my Prince is quite knowledgeable with their plans, I can use you." The woman told me.

"I don't even know who you are." I told her.

"I am the leader of the Klaxosaurs."

"So if Y/N is your prince..." Ikuno began.

"Which I'm not."

"...then that makes you the Klaxosaur Princess." Ikuno finished.

The Klaxosaur Princess moved away from me but still held herself up to my height.

"Hmm, I like that name." She said.

We all watched as she moved back to her throne and sat back down and the large Klaxosaur behind her settled back down.

"Now you obviously didn't come here because I've been calling you." She told me.

"So you have been trying to call us." I noted.

"No, only you."

"Why me? What makes me so special?"

"Well I'm here now, so will you listen to me?" I asked her.

She smiled as she crossed her legs, she seemed to be enjoying this exchange.

"I suppose I can listen to what my Prince has to say." She smirked.

"Once again, not your prince."

"You will soon be."

"Just gonna ignore comment."

"I wish to put forward an alliance between us." I said to her.

"An alliance? Between humans and klaxosaurs?" She asked shocked.

"No, just between this group and you."

She laughed quietly, as she ran her fingers down her cheek.

"And why are you proposing an alliance, aren't you APE's favourite puppets?" She asked with obvious sarcasm.

"Well we were until we escaped and kind of took a few FranXX models with us." I said as I looked around at the others.

"So I can see, but why come to me when you could go anywhere else in the world? Why come to your enemy?"

The Price We Pay For Our Future (Darling In The FranXX male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now