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I hear Amber's arrival as she gets home from work and goes into the washroom between our bedrooms. Once she's done washing her hands, the door to her bedroom squeaks open, and I close my book to walk through the doors and into her room. She's in the process of taking off her hat and apron as I barge in and startle her a bit, causing her to flinch. 

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" she sasses. 

"Amber," I say, ignoring her annoyance, "I need your help."

I go over and plop down on her bed while she folds her apron and sits it on her desk. 

"It's been five days since I've been able to see Cyrus, and I'm kind of going crazy."

She flicks her eyes up to my ratted hair before responding, "Yeah. I can tell. How long do you think his dad will be mad?"

"I don't know, but I can't wait any longer."

Amber gets where I'm going before I even say it. She nods and comes over to drop onto the bed across from me, contemplating the process already. 

"So you need to find a way to get him onto your side," she says. 

"Yeah. I can't stand not being able to see Cyrus, but I understand why his dad doesn't want me around him. I need to convince him that I'm not like that anymore, and that I really care about Cyrus, so I would never do anything to hurt him." 

All of a sudden, my eyes widen. 

"I have an idea," I say. 

Amber scoots in to listen as I explain the plan, and she's with the the whole time, making mental notes of everything we'll need. 

About an hour or so later, I poke my head into the kitchen where my parents are making dinner.

"Hey, do you have three extensions cords I could borrow?"

My parents both look at me with perplexed expressions. 

"What do you need it for?" my mom replies. 

"I need it for my future, Mom."

"What are you plugging in?" Dad questions. 

"Raw, heartfelt emotions."

Clearly, neither of them understand what's happening, but I don't need them to. They both trust me enough to go off those vague as hell answers I gave them. 

"I'm pretty sure there are a few in the garage on the shelf."

"Thanks, Dad."

He gives me a nod as I run off to go gather the materials. Just a few more things, and then this will be ready. I just really hope it works. 


As I park my car outside of Cyrus's house, I'm already feeling the nerves making me jittery. 

"Hey," Amber says, "it will be fine. You've got this."

"What if he throws a tomato at me?" I respond. 

"That'd be a waste of a tomato."

She gives me a pat on my shoulder and starts climbing out of my car, which is my cue to do the same. I shut my door before heading to the trunk and lifting it open. 

"I'll plug in the extension cords," Amber says, reaching for those. 

While she's busy finding an outlet on the porch without making so much noise that the Goodmans will open their blinds to see what's going on outside, I pick up the long, large case from my car and haul it over onto the grass. There, I unzip it and fold the top out of the way. I rarely use this keyboard, but I tested it before I left, so I know it works. I lift the top of the instrument and lock the legs in place to hold it up. When Amber comes over with one end of an extension cord, she passes it to me to plug in. That's one item ready. 

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