chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"awwww aren't they cute together?"

" yes they are!!"

I groaned when I heard people talking. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock .


What ?! 9:34?! Why am I up so early?!

I looked over to the door and saw Stella and my mom giggling like little girls . I glared at them , which caused them to laugh harder which also caused someone to stir beside me. I then realized I was sleeping right beside logan. My face starting going hot and stella and mom giggled even louder.

Then they left the room talking about what our kids would look like. Ummmmmmm ok?

Then since I couldn't go back to sleep , I started poking Logan on the cheek to get up. But he didn't . I agreed shaking him but of course he would push me off. Then I came up with a idea. I leaned down and kissed him and his eyes fluttered open. I jumped up and screamed,

" ha ha I woke you up!!!" I said while jumping up and down until he pulled me down and I landed on his bare chest. I giggled as he kissed me again .

" I'm gonna get dressed so ... I CALL BATHROOM FIRST!" I yelled while running to it .

I heard him chuckle behind me as I closed the door and I was taken back by my hair. It was perfectly straight , when normally it was a mess, but I'm not gonna argue. I got ready and did the usual washroom stuff and got dressed in ripped skinny jeans with a tee shirt . I walked out the door and saw Logan in a black dress shirt and black jeans.

" what with the dressy clothes" I said while slipping on my black converse .

He turned around and smiled at me and I gladly returned it.

" pack meeting , and your coming with me" he said then asked

"would you like to come to the pack meeting with me?" he asked in a polite tone.

I pretended to think .

" well I have stuff planned but I think I can squeeze a pack meeting in their" I said while getting up and going through my dresser and finding a dress top . And then going went to the washroom to change .

Then I applied a mascara , eyeliner and clear lip gloss.

When I stepped out I noticed logans eyes were black .

" calm down wolf boy" I said grinning

He put his hands to show surrender then grabbed me close to him.

Then sighed sadly.

" whats wrong?" I asked

" Connor is going to be there and I can't take the way he is looking at you "he growled his wolf at bay

I thought of the one thing that could only calm him down.

I kissed him and he kissed back with passion.

Then we rested out foreheads together and stared at each other.

" I know a way to make everyone know that you are mine and only mine. To show everyone that I love you" he said looking unsure of my reaction .

" skylar I know we only met but I love you and I'm not letting anyone take you away from me" he said looking at me .

" I love you too" I said happy he felt the same way.

We then both kissed and before I knew it he bit me and marked me.

I felt as if I loved him even more . Is that possible? Oh well !

" lets go before your dad sends a search party" he said while smiling

I chuckled and took his hand and left the room .

We both made our way down stairs to where everyone else was .

Everyone turned their head and I could tell they knew from my scent , Logan marked me.

Everyone came a said their congratulations and my parents came last .

" I'm happy for you guys" said my mother who looked very happy .

I saw my father nod his head to Logan and smile at me. Tyler also came over to say congrats and everything was going fine until I Saw Connor give a hard glare to Logan but his eyes soften when they saw me but I immediately turned around . I then realized Ashley wasn't with Connor. Where was she?

Then I saw a woman jump at Logan engulfing him in a hug , a little to close for comfort.

He pushed her off and stared at her wide eyed.

" since our fun night last month , I have been thinking about you so much and I love you. And I have great news . I'm pregnant!" she said jumping up and down.

I froze , she was pregnant ... With Logan's child?


:O omg she is pregnant with Logan's child !!!! Vshdndndndjdhheghsheh so do you guys hate Connor or Logan more ? And if you could pick which team are you ,

Team Logan


Team Connor


Oooooooooooh mystery Lol sooo anyways Halloween Is coming up and it's been raining so much and I heard it might ran on Halloween :'( so sad and I want candy!!!!! But I'm gonna have to go on with life !!!! Lol soooooooooo I'm gonna be posting Soon or maybe right after this one so yeah and ....


Unless u read this on a normal day ....





~~~~~ dsiniko

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