Chapter 9

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Hey guys sorry for not uploading in the last few days !!! I got a lot of homework and projects sooooo here is chapter 9!!!!


Chapter 9

I hesitated before answering . I looked down hoping the grass would tell me something . I looked up at him, he looked at me with hopeful eyes . At the corner of my eye I saw Logan and breeyana. I watched as she clung on to him. But he didn't push her away.

I looked back at Connor .

" I would love to try" when I said it his eyes brightened and he smiled and jumped up .

" you won't regret it , that's a promise" he said smiling down at me.

Then he turned to look at a decorated poster .

" as our first date , I will take you to this " he said pointing towards the poster .

" Halloween dance huh?" I said

" unless you don't want to go with me..." he trailed off

" I would love too" I said smiling

Before I know it he leaned down and kissed my cheek .

I blushed like a made woman .

He chuckled and ran off the bleachers leaving me to look like a blushing idiot.

My hand grazed over the cheek he kissed. I felt tingles and it made me want more .


Crap the bell.

I ran towards the door only to be bombarded with questions from the girls.

" omg what did he say ?"

" did he do anything?!"

" I'm gonna kill him"

" guys it fine! He told me he was sorry and said he wants a second chance and I kinda said yes and now I'm going to the dance with him" I said all in one breath

" omg !!! We have to make you look hot!!! "

" we have to do your hair and go buy a costume for you after school!!"

Stella and Kylie both screamed and giggled about our date while clover looked at me concerned .

" are you sure?" she asked worried about me

" it's fine , you don't have to be worried" I said reassuringly

She nodded .

We made our way to class and their was only four seats left and only three together .

Stella and Kylie quickly made their ways towards the three seater. Clover looked and me motioning me to take it . I shook my head and walked to the other seat , which consisted of a lot of the guys from my old pack and their was Connor right beside the empty seat and immediately his eyes were on me. He smiled and I returned it .

I took my seat and every one turned to stare at me .

" uhhh yes?" I asked a bit annoyed .

" so your skylar ?" asked a brunette headed boy .

" ummm yeah" I asked looking over to Connor . He quickly looked away embarrassed

I gave the boy a questioning look.

" Connor talks about you a lot " he said smiling and looking at Connor who was glaring at him until he saw me staring at him.

He quickly turned away towards another guy.

" oh I'm ash by the way " he said giving me his hand to shake "

Connor noticed, carefully staring at ash , warning him about touching me with one look . I rolled my eyes and shook it.

Then the teacher came immediately starting on homework we had... Wait we had homework ?!?!


I was thinking of stopping it their but it's probably too short so here is some more!!!


(after school)

" what about this one?" asked Stella holding a costume up.

" really ? A sexy cat? How original" I stated looking through the hundreds of costumes .

" awwww we could have been Siamese twins" said Stella putting it back . Yes Stella was gonna be a sexy cat .

Clover was going as a devil and Kylie was going as an angel. But I was pretty much hopeless . I didn't know what to be.

" argggggghhh" I yelled and stomped over to a chair .

They all giggled but kept looking .

" come on, you have to find something good for Connor " yelled Stella

" I got it!" yelled clover.

She came out holding makeup and clothing.

" ha ha Connor is gonna have a hard time keeping the guys away" she said while smirking .

" wow it sure is different as the stuff I'm used to wearing" I said while looking at the fabric.

" come on !! It's a party!! You have to look good!! " said Kylie walking over with Stella.

" ummmmmmm ok " I said giving in.

" Yay!" they all shrieked pulling towards the cash register to pay for my costume .

I wonder what Logan will say ...

" are you ok" said clover , the only one noticing me.

" I'm just thinking about Logan" I muttered .

" well when he sees you tonight he is going to wish , he had never lost his virginity ever!!! " she said while smiling

I laughed at her comment as we made our way out of the store .


Hey guys!!!! How did you like it ?? Sorry I didnt upload , I kinda had alote of homework . So question of the day ... Ok 2 questions ....






~~~~~~~ dsiniko

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