Poisons to her mind

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Queen Anne was pacing, Rossette's arrival and king's awakening brought wave of joy to her heart, but now all her worries returned. And her her father did not help.

"We should be glad that the King is still alive" the Boleyn patriarch said while interrupting Anne's worried thoughts: "Now, more than ever is critical for you to birth the heir to the throne."

As if she didn't know. This was not the first inscante of her father's insistance on being careful and to close hreself off to the world. He was acting as if she wanted to lose another child! She was aware of all the risks not only to her but to her unborn son. But she was also aware of Henry's straying gaze. That's afterall how Anne became the queen. She was not the only one who could use this route, and the Seymores were cunning enough to know it.

"I just wish i could get rid of Jane Seymore, but I'm afraid that would anger the King." she stressed to her father, but he did not take her seriously.

"If you're afraid of these little things, your thoughts will poison the child inside of you." he warned her. "Beside after you birth King his son and heir, you'll get to do whatever you wish with her." That sentiment calmed Anee a little, she wished to get rid of the blonde woman the second she arrived at court, to banish her from court, or to push her into a marriage somewhere far possibly overseas. But the fear remained there was still quite some time until their son arrived into this world, and Henry's sudden interest in Lady Mary was worriesome. Anne was so happy, when Catherine finaly died, along with whatever claim she had on Henry and the queendom. But Mary was still alive and still a threat, especialy now when Henry was thinking about making peace with Emperor and ally himself with Spain.

That was opportunit for banes of her existence Lady Mary and Jane Seymour, who was rumoured to be catholic.

"That's still so far away, she can take roots in his heart and poison his mind against me! With Seymour and Suffolk so close to him, his dealings with Chapuys, it won't be that hard!"

She tried to explain to her father, he did not understand. He did not understand women, or Henry.

"If you are that worried about it, you can suggest to that healer of yours to keep the King company." suggested Thomas Boleyn.

"What." she hissed outraged.

"You said it yourself, the King is looking for a mistress now that you can't fullfill your marital obligations to him. And he is interested in her possibly even more than that Seymour girl. She is exotic enough to keep that interest, but her insistance to leave the court after your son is born as well as her questionable origin ensures she doesn't contest your position. Beside you think you can trust her don't you?"

Anne was not capable to respond to her father's suggestion. She could not believe what she was hearing. He wanted to persuade Rossette to become her husbant's mistress. To use her as one of the hussies at court. And to pass her over to Henry. To give him that sort of access to her friend, her confidant.

Before she could even realized it she was out of the door, only faintly hearing the voice of her father calling after her. She marched through the halls desperately wanting to see Rossette, to see Henry. To assure herself...

She didn't bother to knock or to inform servant of her arrival and she burst into the king's office. The sight made her breath stuck in her throat.

Henry was kissing Jane Seymour.

OK, I'm back in the game. I needed some time to myself and to get the timeline straight. I'm playing with it a little, but I want to make sure people who are dead are dead in here. Anyways that's Annes point of view. Next time let's see how Henry see's this situation, and what will he do stuck inbetween his marriage to Anne, his little romance with Jane, and whatever is happening with Rossette. 

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