“Hey Vincent.”

   Vincent turned to the opposite of the tree and saw Nathan, Ronin, and six animals beside them. The five he doesn’t know are a little skeptical of him. His gaze turned to the teen lion, stood up and approached them before greeting him in a polite manner.

   “Good morning Prince Kion, how’s your sleep?”

    “I slept fine.” Kion replied before hesitantly asking. “So, how is your…?”

   Vincent simply removed the ice packet and revealed the covered eye, though its healing it still swelling and looks very bad. Kion and Nathan cringed a bit while the rest are shocked.

   “Wow, that is as bad as Anga’s wing,” Bunga spoke, earning a whack behind the head by Fuli’s tail.

   “What happened?” Ronin concernedly asked, the black-eyed teen. Vincent just turned his eyes and they followed until they landed on none other than the two young kings, nervousness and guilt written all over them. Fuli was about to demand some answers but Vincent cut them off.

   “Enough of that, you are here to see the hyenas, I presumed?” they nodded, although the cheetah and eagle didn’t forget about the previous topic.

  With that, the group entered and saw their friends along with a human girl as they talk to each other without noticing them there. The tent contains a table with two set of chairs opposite to each other, a bed at the left, and a small drawer with a double-speaker music player sitting above it. At the table, Jasiri is sitting on the chair in the left with Janja on the floor while the girl sat at the opposite chair.

    The girl has a fair skin color, purple shaded hair that is at shoulder length, and violet eyes. She wore a gray top, blue jeans, armor boots and shoulder plates, and a lavender hoodie knotted around her hips.

   “Wow, things must have been hard for all of you especially for her,” the girl said, earning some nods from the two hyenas. They were interrupted by an ‘Ahem’ and turned to see three boys and six animals in the entrance, ones they respectively familiar with.

   “King Nathan, Ronin, didn’t expect you guys to be here,” she politely greeted, turning her attention to the teen lion with eyes gleaming with curiosity and interest. “And you must be Kion.”

   Kion blinked at her a few times and suspiciously glanced at the two hyenas at the opposite side of her, seeing them looking away and whistling like they didn’t told her. The young lion shook his head lowly before returning to the girl before him.

   “And you are…?” Kion asked.

   She approached the lion and kneeled on one knee, reaching out an open hand in front of him. “Call me Villa.” Villa introduced herself, getting some weird looks from the rest of the animals when she reached her hand out.

   Kion looked at the hand before him and at Villa before smiling as he reached out his paw and shakes her hand, the Guard looked at them with wide eyes while Nathan smiled, Ronin doing the same. Vincent however, went outside moments ago to let them have a conversation.

   After the hand-and-paw shake, Villa stood up and turned to Nathan and Ronin with a serious tone. “We need to talk.” she said to them, gesturing her eyes outside. Both nodded in understanding while the animals watch in confusion as Ono flew off Ronin’s shoulder then landing on the ground beside Beshte. Nathan turned to them as he said.

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