Chapter 7

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They don't actually make plans to meet up in Hammerlocke. Gloria is passing through, on her way to her next gym challenge, and she sees him there, unmistakable in his usual getup. She feels her heart jump and wonders if she should go say something to him, or if she should just text him and mention that she's in town, that she thought she saw him.

But even if they weren't... involved , or even despite it being a secret, she's still one of the challengers that he personally endorsed, and his brother's best friend and rival on top of that. It's only natural for her to say hi to him if she passes him on the street, so she steels herself and begins to approach, calling out to him and waving as she does.

He turns and gives her a bright grin, waving back. "Well, if it isn't my favorite challenger!" he says, before pretending to look around and adding, "Don't tell Hop I said so, though."

This is all just a front, acting like they're acquaintances. If someone overheard and decided to tell some news source they heard the champion say he preferred his brother's rival to his brother, it would be par for the course, something he could tease Hop about, and something that would seem completely natural. She keeps up the front as well, nodding as she says, "Your secret's safe with me."

"I didn't expect to run into you here," he says, which she knows really means that she never mentioned she was passing through. She probably would have, if she'd known he would be here, but she didn't plan to spend a lot of time lingering, just wanting to get to her next destination so that she can get another badge to brag to him about. It hasn't even been that long since their night in Motostoke, but if she'd known she would run into him here...

"I was just passing through," she says. "I won't be in town for long, just restocking supplies before I get back on the road."

"Are you sure about that?" he asks. "There are a lot of nice places to stay here, so you can rest up, and get your Pokemon some much needed rest as well."

She's sure that he's right, but she's also sure that that's his way of telling her to get a room and tell him where that room is. Before, she might have thought she was looking too much into it, but she's getting used to how Leon is, and learning just how to read him. There is more confidence in everything she does with him, as she tries to push her childish crush aside and fully embrace her role as...well, as whatever this relationship that isn't a relationship makes her.

It doesn't take her long to get a room for the night, and she decides that she doesn't mind her journey being delayed by a little bit if it means that she gets to spend another night with Leon before getting back on the road. She's taking everything at a good pace, and still has plenty of time to collect her remaining badges before qualifications for the championship finals begin.

A little over an hour later, Leon knocks at her door with his usual excuse about struggling to find the place, even though she did her best to give him directions and landmarks to help him locate it. She supposes this is just something she'll have to get used to for as long as this affair lasts, if it even continues to last.

"It's not been too long, but I did miss you, baby," he says, once he has her on the bed. Already, she's impatient for him, barely able to sit still as he reaches under her dress to pull her panties off. It reminds her of the first night, the way he doesn't bother with the rest of her outfit and simply pushes her dress up a little to spread her legs.

But this time, he gets down in front of her, kneeling so that his face is between her legs, and she bites her lip as she realizes what he's going to do to her. Naturally, she's fantasized about this before, because there are few things that she knows about that she hasn't fantasized about Leon doing to her, but she was always too shy to ask for anything other than what they've already done. He surprises her by taking the initiative, nibbling her inner thigh to get her to gasp for him.

"That's so cute," he murmurs, and she knows that she will never get tired of him telling her that she's cute.

All she can do is sit back, quickly overwhelmed as he nuzzles against her, working his tongue into her with such skill that she has no doubt he's done this a million times before. Gloria whimpers for him, quickly losing control of her voice as he teases and pleases her, showing her again and again that she will likely never feel this amazing with anyone other than him.

It's hard not to worry about falling in love with him when he makes her feel like this, and harder to worry about that or anything else when all she really cares about is her next orgasm. He has a way of making himself impossible to get over and turning her into the kind of girl who can only think about one thing. In the back of her mind, she knows that she does need to get over him and properly enjoy their affair for what it is, but she enjoys being with him and talking to him and fucking him so much that the same thought plays on repeat as he brings her closer and closer.

I love him, I love him, I love this man so much , until she has to choke it back when she comes, struggling not to accidentally confess amidst the moans that he draws out from her. And he certainly does draw them out, lingering between her legs, not pulling back, not slowing down until the pulse of her climax finally begins to fade. Gloria is left completely breathless and dazed, and Leon just watches her with a playful smirk on his face, no doubt proud of the absolutely champion job that he's done, managing it all with such little effort.

"That was great, huh, kid?" he asks, and she nods, still feeling a little out of it. He gives her a moment to recover before bending her over the bed and fucking her, rough and hasty, his impatience getting the better of him and exposing just how much seeing her pleasure turned him on. She is more than content to give herself over to him completely, so hungry for more that she borders on greedy. It's hard to tell that she's the same girl who managed to take charge the last time they met up, but it was only her hunger for him driving her then too.

After he's come and she's come a second time, they settle down for a bit, likely just waiting to see if he is able to bounce back in time for another round, before the two of them are too tired to do anything else. At some point, they've stripped completely, and she lays with her head on his naked chest, listening to his heartbeat and appreciating the warmth from his skin.

"It's only been a couple days, but I think you really needed that," he says, and she blushes.

"I did miss you."

"That's adorable," he teases, which only causes her blush to deepen. "You've really got it bad for me, huh?"

She tenses at his words, not sure what she should say to that. From the beginning, she's understood that this relationship was nothing more than it appeared, and she's done what she can to help him forget the massive crush she's harbored for several years. The last thing she wants is for him to think she's still carrying a torch for him, because if he were to cut things off now, just because of that, she isn't sure how she would handle it.

"I wouldn't say that," she mumbles, and he gives her a squeeze.

"You don't have to be shy, Gloria. I told you before it was okay if you had a little crush on me, remember? But I guess this might be more than just a little one..." She isn't looking up at him, but she can imagine the teasing grin on his face, and she wants this to stay a simple joke. Even if he's making fun of her feelings, as long as he doesn't realize the depth of them, it doesn't matter. She just doesn't want anything to change.

"Whatever you say," she replies rather flippantly, and Leon laughs it off, dropping the subject.

Throughout all of this, his pulse becomes rather erratic, but she assumes that he is still recovering from fucking her, and decides to think nothing of it.

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