Chapter 2

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Leon's explanation for why he's taking Hop's friend up to his childhood bedroom is that she doesn't have nearly the knowledge of Pokemon that Hop does, and that he has a lot of books and magazines she might want to look through. Hop one hundred percent believes this and even agrees not to bother them, going to his own room while Gloria follows Leon to his.

She's never been in his room before, though she's stared at the door a few times while passing through, and once tried to get a glimpse when the door was open because their grandmother was dusting in there. This is the first time she's been inside, and she tries to tell herself that he might actually just be showing her books, right up until he locks the door behind them and says, "Well, now that we're alone..."


"I'm actually surprised you even agreed to come up here with me, but I guess I got a pretty good read on you after all," he says. "Come on, it's just the two of us in here. Hop's probably distracted with his new Scorbunny, so he won't bother us for a while."

"But I don't know what...I'm sorry, but why did you invite me up here?" she finally asks. "You told Hop it was to look at books..."

"And he actually believed me! He really is such a good kid. Not half bad looking either, cos of the family resemblance and all, but I guess you've got a thing for older guys, huh?" And there it is again, that heart wrenching smirk that nearly causes Gloria to forget her own name.

"I-I..." Her mouth keeps moving, but she finds that she can't speak.

"Come on, I got it right, didn't I? There's no one else here, so you can just admit it," he insists. "It's fine if you've got a little crush on me, Gloria."

And he's said it, just like it's nothing, and at first, she's so ashamed that she can't speak, while Leon patiently waits for her to respond. Finally, she simply says, "I don't think it's fine at all. Don't you think it's a little creepy?"

"Creepy?" He cocks his head. "What, because you know my little brother? I don't think so. And you're definitely not the first person to get all flustered over the champion."

She would accuse him of being arrogant if she weren't sure that what he's saying is probably completely true. Being alone with him like this, she's sure it's hard not to fall for him, at least a little bit. "Well, I guess, but..."

"But nothing. You've been all fidgety and distracted all day. I don't mean to be forward or anything, but I can guess what might be causing that. Am I right?" He gives her a knowing smile, and she considers denying it, and playing dumb. A part of her wants to see how flustered he might get if she pretended to be completely innocent, but, in her current state, she isn't sure she could pull that off."

"I'm trying to forget about that," she confesses. "You may not think it's weird, but as soon as Hop told me I was going to get to me you, I decided enough was enough. So I've been trying to put it behind me, and I stopped..." She trails off, realizing how close she's come to admitting something a bit too personal, but judging by the way Leon smirks at her, he already has a good idea.

"You make it all really obvious, you know?" he says, stepping closer to her, and she feels a familiar heat flaring up in her. "You can't just stop like that, it's not good for you. And now you're all pent-up, and it's driving you crazy, isn't it?"

She finds herself nodding before she can think not to, and he nods as well. "That's just what I thought. You're all pent-up, and it's all because of me. Isn't it?"

She could absolutely die of shame, and still, she nods again.

"I'm really flattered, Gloria," he says. "I'm also really sorry, I had no idea I was doing this to you. But if you want...well, since it's all my fault, and we're all alone in here, I wouldn't mind taking responsibility and helping you out."

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