~4~A suspicion

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Another day has come to pretend relationship with Simon. I was sitting at the table with him. We talked about Simon's passion. Suddenly Luna came up to us.

Luna: Hi. I'm sorry to disturb you but ... Simon can we talk?
Simon: Sure
Ambar: Okay then you can talk quietly and I will go to Delfi and Jazmin.
Simon: Okay. So what, honey, see you later?
Ambar: Sure!

I got up from the couch and went towards my friends. I wonder what Luna wants to talk to Simon about.

I like the pretend relationship with Ambar and we do it very well. I was curious what Luna wanted to talk to me about.

Simon: What do you want to talk about?
Luna: I want to congratulate you on your new relationship ... I didn't expect you to ever be with Ambar. I'm in shock! In my opinion, Ambar isn't the right girl for you ..
Simon: Thank you ... But my relationship with Ambar is proof that opposites attract. I don't understand why you don't like Ambar so much. She is a very loved, honest and good person. She is wonderful!
Luna: I don't trust Ambar, somehow. She was just from Matteo. Now suddenly loves you?
Simon: Luna, I'm happy with Ambar. She is a great girl and if you are my friend then you must reconcile with my new relationship.

I sat with Delfi and Jazmin. We talked about their blog "Style and chic". Suddenly, however, my friends changed the topic of conversation.
Jazmin: And so changing the subject .. Ambar I am shocked by your new relationship. When I informed my blog viewers about your relationship, everyone was in great shock!
Ambar: Everyone is in shock. I am happy with Simon. He is a very romantic, loved, charming and affectionate boy. He cares for me and I know that I can count on him at any time.
Delfi: Tell us about your first date with Simon.
Ambar: Well, Simon took me to a restaurant ... We ate delicious food there. Then we went to the beach together. It was sunset and it was beautiful. Very romantic and sweet.
Delfi: Wonderful! I never expected that you two could be together. But I wish you luck!
Ambar: Thank you
Jazmin: Will I ever be able to record a blog interview with you?
Ambar: I think so!
Delfi: And you know what ... Yesterday I heard and saw Simon composing a song. It's a love song .. Maybe he wrote a song about you?
Ambar: Seriously? How sweet would that be ...
Delfi: And romantic!
Jazmin: Ambar you can see that Simon is in love with you! A wonderful pair of you! I envy you very much!
Ambar: Jazmin, you will surely find your prince someday too! Believe me

Suddenly I felt someone hugging me from behind. It turned out that it was Simon.

Simon: Hey honey .. Did you miss?
Ambar: Hi! Very .. Are we going for a walk?
Simon: Okay ... we'll talk a little bit.
Ambar: Okay then ... girls we'll talk later okay?
Delfi: Good. Have a nice walk
Jazmin: Bye bye sweetie

Together with Simon, we left Jam & Roller and went to the park. There we sat on a bench.

Simon: We're pretending to be a good relationship right?
Ambar: Yes! You just know what ... I think we kiss and hug a little too little. We have to do it more often.
Simon: A good point. Well! I'm good at pretending to be your boyfriend?
Ambar: Perfect!
Simon: Thank you! And as for my conversation with Luna ... Together with Luna we talked about you in particular. Luna is shocked that we are a couple.
Ambar: Everyone is in shock
Simon: But I guess Luna doesn't think we are faking a relationship
Ambar: And good. That's the plan. Nobody can find out.

I admit that I like it more and more.

I like to play boyfriend Ambar more and more. Only one problem arose. I think I'm starting to like Ambar! With every moment my feeling for her is stronger! I just had to pretend to be her boyfriend and I fell in love with her. What should I do now?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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