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March 14, 2020


Well I am a Fun of Yaoi story.

And the cover of this story is where i fund the Yuushin. The kind of man I would gladly have.

Hey Yuushin where are you?
I've been waiting for you for 6 years now.
Are you really out there? Or are you even waiting for me too?

Yuushin I like you,
I need you,
I want you,
Please come get me.


I like how you take care of Sumere
I like how you didn't give up on him
I like how you Lough and make him Lough
I like how you wait for him outside his door
I like how you look at him and only for him
So Yuushin I like you

I need you to make me feel better when I am sad
I need you to let me cry on your shoulder
I need you to be always be there for me
I need you to make me forget those dark memory
I need you to make me feel that I am wanted
I need your hugs to comfort me
I need your voice to shout at me that you need me too
I need your touch to make me feel special
So Yuushin I need you

I want you to be my strength in times that I am weak
I want you to ease my fear
I want you to take care of me when I can't take care of my self
I want you to say to me that it is okay
I want you to be more loyal to me.
I want you to say that I am beautiful in the morning
I want you to always understand me
I want you to want me as I want you
So Yuushin I want you to love me.

Please come and get me Yuushin
I don't wanna be here anymore, this loneliness, this emptiness. I don't want this any more
Yuushin come and rescue me from this dark life I am with.
Yuushin come please hurry and come and be with me.

Yuushin I am waiting

Waiting for you so please hurry and be with me.

I promise I will love you for the rest of my life

Yuushin I love you

Just RandomTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon