what you two do on a lazy day-7

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~pushing all the furniture in the basement to the other side of the room
~slow dances that turn into him tripping over you
~making a fort
~driving around in his fathers car with all the windows down.

•go to the dinner
•share milkshakes
•taking goob to the park
•you two sitting on the swings and just vibing

-drawing each other
-throwing paper at each other
-eventually getting to the homework
-falling asleep

-cuddle in his bed
-he lies in bed and watched you try in all of his clothes
"this would look good with...THIS!" you would grin putting it on and looking at him.
"yeah it doesn't babe, i'll wear it on monday-"
you shake your head and start taking it off.
"nuh uh, i'm wearing it."
he smirks and rolls his eyes

-making out
-drawing on each other
-taking a shower to wash it all off

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