"It's not fair," Matt groaned when she'd returned to her at their table. "They get to go out and party all the time, while we're always stuck in here."

"Yeah, but that's because they're non-art students," Heather shrugged. "Their homework doesn't require at least seventeen hours of effort in order to get a good grade."

"True, but shouldn't that make it more unfair? I mean, we put in more effort, but they still get it easier than us?"

"Well, I hear the roles switch when it comes to finals," Heather grinned. "Ours are just critiques for the project due the week before, so all we have to do is show up, meanwhile they will be fighting for spots in the library, and cramming as much as they can into the two days they'll actually use to study."

"So, after the last couple of weeks, what do you honestly think of Jared?" Matt had tentatively asked a few minutes later after they'd gone back to work.

Heather thought about it for a moment. "I like him just fine. I mean, he hit on me right off the bat, but he'd respectfully backed off when I'd told him about Ryan." Heather tilted her head as she'd thought more about him. What did she think about Jared Mikaelson? "He's fun, he's charming, confident, charismatic, and I've always gotten along better with guys because they're less catty."

Heather turned towards Matt. "Why do you ask?"

Matt looked away. "Oh, no reason. I like him too; I was just curious."

Heather had figured there was more to it, but she'd left it alone. Instead, she'd asked "How much longer is it until your laptop is repaired?"

Matt scoffed. "I went to Ask5000 in Millennium Hall, and they'd said it wouldn't be ready until next semester."

Heather's eyes widened. "That's a really long time, but at least they gave you a loaner."

"True, that reminds me, but thanks again for borrowing me your Art History notes."

"Of course."

He hadn't thought to back everything up onto a dropbox to save his files, but then again, who'd expected a lofted bed to fall apart and bust open their computer the first weekend at college?

They'd both heard footsteps draw closer, and looked up to see some guy with glasses as he'd strolled in and before Heather could've even fully processed it, had taken took a seat right next to her and nudged it closer to her side.

"Hey there." He'd greeted her with a smarmy smile. "The name's Jack, how about yours?"

He'd offered his hand.

Heather pointedly kept hers beneath the table. "Heather."

"So, what are you working on?" Jack asked, and she'd already become annoyed with him. Not only had she been warned about the guy from the other girls on their floor, she'd also known he was supposedly friends with Matt, Tony, and Peter, but hadn't even bothered to acknowledge Matt since he'd entered the lounge.

Some friend...

"Matt and I were working on a project that's due Monday," Heather answered, and saw Matt's self-conscious smile as he'd kept his eyes on his project.

"Oh yeah, that stupid thing. I finished it last week, because I'm not an idiot who goes out and gets drunk every weekend," Jack bragged as he'd leaned back in his chair and rested his hands behind his head.

Heather rolled her eyes when he wasn't looking.

"You know, just because you don't like to drink or go out, doesn't mean it's wrong that other people enjoy it." Heather had briefly considered using her foot to tip him over.

When In Doubt - Freshman YearWhere stories live. Discover now