Funerals and misfortunes.

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Please don't leave me hanging in the air too long. I swear to God that I can't breathe when you're not around.

3rd Person's POV-

The deafening sound erupted from within the manor; the mighty blast sending the standing audience flying backwards.

"No!" Bellowed Peter, sprinting towards the house. He was yanked back, rather harshly, by Steve Rogers, who kept a tightening grip on him, hugging the boy as close to him as humanly possible.

"It's okay, Peter. Control yourself!" He hissed.

"How can I?! Mr.Stark and (y/n) were in there! They both are gone and it's because of your stupid, cowardly actions!" Peter yelled, tearing himself from the Captain's grasp.

The Captain went easy on the boy, releasing him and giving him space to digest the great loss of the two people he had loved most.

"We all should get going," Natasha Romanoff said, heading towards the parked van across the street.

Everyone followed suit. Everyone except Peter, who just stood there, watching the building crumble into ashes. He felt nothing but agony at that moment; an agony which wasn't going to subdue throughout this life.

"Peter," Bruce Banner placed a hand on his shoulder. Peter gave him a side-ways look, returning his attention back to the scene that lay in front of him two seconds later.

"I know what you are going through right now. We all do," Banner sighed.

"Really? I'm surprised you guys even know what pain feels like," Peter chuckled menacingly. 

"Look, whatever it is that you are saying right now, I know it's your hurting side forcing it out of your mouth. But we can't wait here all day. You have to return with us."

"Like hell I am returning to that tower! Leave me alone!" 

"You have to, no matter what you are dealing with at the moment," Banner pressed on.

"Do what you have to do, but I am, in no way, coming back with you guys!" Peter shouted, putting on his mask and swinging into the night.

"Leave him be for a while, Bruce. We all share the same state with him," Natasha clutched his arm, beckoning him towards the black mini van.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Bruce Banner breathed out.


Peter's POV-

I swing into the night city, trying to get as further away from the building as I can. I don't stop for a minute; just swinging and slinging forward, not bothering if I am going to fast.

I finally halt my actions when I cross a familiar street- the same street with that same house.

I swing towards the house, landing smoothly on the roof, and tear my mask off of my face.

I sit down on the roof, letting my legs dangle in the empty air below me.

How was I going to explain this to Liam? He would be horrified at the news of (y/n)'s death.

For whatever the others might say, I solely blame myself for letting this happen. For letting both-Mr.Stark and (y/n)-walk away from my life before I could even tell them how much either of them meant to me.

The part that made this unexpected occurrence worse for me was that the last interaction I had had with (y/n) prior to all this was a silly fight. A fight that had no meaning, made no sense, was not as important as holding onto each other.

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