We are nothing at all

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Sorry for letting you down, darling. I promise to make it up to you. Just please do me a favour and wash those dried tears.

Peter's POV-

Coming to school the next day was something I should have contemplated over in the morning because the constant glares I received from both (y/n) and MJ creeped me out in the worst ways possible. 

You're Spiderman, Peter! You should be the intimidating one here, not them. 

But, alas, it was the whole opposite. As hard as I tried to avoid their gazes or macho-up, I miserably failed and finally decided to confront Ned about the whole situation. 

"What's going on with them?!" I whisper-yelled at Ned during lunch. We were seated at our usual spot, except for the company of both the girls who joined us everyday during lunch. 

MJ was, not so surprisingly, seated at one of the far-end tables, reading as she always did. She only ever sat with us on (y/n)'s compulsion, which resulted in her having to literally beg MJ to comply. 

I scanned the cafeteria, looking for a certain (y/h/c) head who didn't seem to be present at the moment. 

Rudely interrupting Ned from his monologue of 'God knows what', I grabbed my tray, walking to the trash to dispose of all the contents.

 "I gotta go Ned. See ya in chemistry!" I called out before sprinting out of the cafeteria and towards the football ground.


Out of all the places Midtown High has, I chose the most impalpable one. What interest would someone like (y/n) have in a football ground? A library or the music room are more like her, but a football ground? 

You gotta be kidding your instincts, Parker. 

Nonetheless I carried on, taking large strides as I approached the mostly empty bleachers and stood by them, scanning around in hopes of finding her. 


There she was, seated on the one farthest from me, reading a book that was gently placed on her lap. She handled it delicately, holding it at an angle of 45 degrees, cautious not to tamper with the exquisite cover. 

Just seeing her like this filled my heart with an unperceptive warmth, one that I myself couldn't perceive.

 I walked in her direction, discreet enough to not fully grasp her attention.

 "Hey," I greeted calmly as I made myself comfortable in the spot two inches away from her. I could understand that she wanted nothing to do with me anymore and I was quite alright with distancing myself as far away as possible from her. This way neither of us had the chance of hurting the other. 

She didn't reply, not even bothering to acknowledge my presence, as she continued reading. It was as if she pretended that I never existed. That she didn't want to know of my existence. It hurt a lot, to be truthful, but I smashed down all the emotions and turned my attention to the widely spread green pitch that lay in front of me.

 It wasn't after a minimum of 15 minutes,(or so I thought) that she finally decided to notice me. 

Closing her book and tucking it away in her backpack, she turned to face me. Her lips were curled in a peculiar manner, the way, I noticed, when she was about to burst out of her bubble of serenity. 

"If you are here to apologise for yesterday, I suggest you don't and get out of here, like right now," she grit her teeth, maintaining calm composure. Though, I didn't know how long she will be able to handle it. 

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