Spiderman comforts...Really?!

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'Have you been in love?' She asked, her voice laced with emotions. I just gave her a blank look, not knowing what to say. 'Yes, I have. But it broke my heart to the extent that I've never fallen again.'

Peter's POV-

Damn. That was a rough one. I didn't know that I was capable of something as strong as that. A small smile quirked up my lips at the thought of actually empowering (y/n) (y/ln). She was the one who usually beat me down. 

Beneath the unbelievable excitement, guilt flooded through my chest and struck hard on my heart. She may have been stupid, acting so authoritative, but I really had no right to back answer her so rudely when I hadn't even bothered listening to what she had to say. 

Maybe she did have a reasonable explanation. And I needed to hear it out of her. So, after the last bell rang, I jumped up and pushed all my stuff into my bag and bolted out the doors, without saying anything to Ned. 

Once I arrived at my apartment, I was quick to unlock the door and walk in. May said that she'll be working late tonight and had left me money to buy dinner on the kitchen counter. I went up to my room and finished my homework. 

Then I pulled up my laptop and watched an entire season of 'Friends'. My head shot up at the clock beside my night table. 10:05pm, it read. Thinking that this was the perfect timing, I put on my Spiderman suit and slung out of my room's window into the open night city of New York.


It wasn't after I had finished my night patrolling that I swung towards (y/n)'s house to confront her about today. But wouldn't that ruin everything? She'll know who I am and will probably never want to talk to me again. I couldn't let that happen. (y/n) not talking to me forever will completely ruin me. So, I had to make up a plan that didn't sound like I was prying on her.

 After much debating, I just decided to let it slide and follow my instincts, making a mental note to not reveal my identity as Peter Parker.

 I slid down on the roof that belonged to the house right next to hers and waited. It wasn't long before I saw her climb up the roof and settle down in a comforting position. I swung towards her silhouette, making sure to remain silent, and stood beside her almost limp form. She looked up at me through teary eyes and I swear, it broke my heart.

"Everything alright?" I asked in the best Spidey voice I could come up with. She nodded slowly: no, then patted the spot beside her. I sat down without uttering another word, catching the small glances she gave me here and there. I inwardly smiled. She was so cute.

"Have you ever been in love?" The question caught me off guard. Why is she asking me that?! Even though it hurt a little, my voice was moderate when I replied.

"Yes, I have." 

Silence. Neither one of us said anything after. We just sat there, gazing at the starry sky that draped like a blanket above us. It was past midnight, when (y/n) fell asleep, her head resting on my shoulder. My arm was wrapped around her in a protective manner, keeping her warm.  I gently lifted her head, laying it down on my lap and ran my hand through it lovingly. 

Something kept telling me that she was the girl who had saved me that night. Whose laugh still echoed in my head. Whose (y/e/c) eyes kept flashing through my mind constantly. I glanced down at her sleeping form, realising she couldn't, would never, be that same girl. 

Sighing sadly, I lifted (y/n), careful not to wake her up, and swung down ever so slowly to her bedroom window. Seeing that it was already open, I hoisted myself on the seal and lightly jumped. My feet landed on the soft velvet carpet and I carried her, bridal-style, to her bed. I rested her delicately on the mattress, removing her slippers and draping the blanket over her.

"Goodnight, (y/n)," I whispered against her hair, planting a kiss on her forehead. She shifted a little, but didn't wake up. I slowly backed up towards the window, preparing myself for take-off.

Not long before I had hopped on the seal, did I hear her mumble something.

"Goodnight, Peter." The words made my heart flutter.

Glancing at her one last time that night, I swung myself out into the night.

Cheesy much? I know. Sorry guys, but the next chapters won't be as such.

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