Breathing Air

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That's the last time I write half asleep.... Lol  OH AND I'M GETTING A LAPTOP THURSDAY cx maybe my I'll write longer chapters then idk my phone sucks


Samantha POV (8:00am)

All the creepypastas were in some kind of family meeting, and since I was human, Slender was enough of a dick to have Smexy watch over me while I was blind.... No just no .... He's so gross...

I was in the living room with him 'watching' tv, mainly my favorite soap As the World Rotates. He wasn't that bad as I thought.  we actually could agree on it. So long as he's not being a perv, he's actually niceish. He casually put his hand on my but and I slapped it off. He googled a bit and apologized.

He was a total flirt, then he'd apologize. Then he'd try to grab my but.... Then say sorry... Ugh . Though it's his nature, I still don't like it.

He also had his tendril around my waist so I 'wouldn't run away'. Ugh I'm still bumping into things, how am I gonna run away?!! He said that until he was sure that I could watch myself, he'd make sure he knew were I was at all times.

"I'm hungry" I pouted agitated, my stomach growled.

"Then go make something." He said smuggly, I bet he was grinning.

"Well if Jeff finds out that I was hungry and you touched my butt..." I trailed off on purpose.

He grunted and got up,  pulling me like I was on a leash. I heard him rummaging around the fridge and get out some things.

"There, now make something. I pulled out the eggs and beacon, I like mine extra crispy and my eggs scrambled." He said annoyed and squeezed my waist a bit.

I pouted and turned on the stove. I felt around for everything, but I was stopped by large clawed hands.  I was lifted off the ground and I heard a chair in the dining room move. I was placed in a chair while he cooked. Soon a plate was placed in front of me

"There, now be quiet. I like having my appendages were they are thank you very much." he growled.

I snickered and ate. I thanked him. He can cook maybe even better than Slender.

Jeff POV (8:39 am)

This meeting was so so boring, all out was about was the who was killing, were we were doing it, and the territory boundary adjustment. He goes in alphabetical order by first name, but we have to stay the whole time.... Ugh

And the worst thing about this, is that she's left with the most irresponsible, perverted and annoying pasta in the house. Thankfully I can sleep with my eyes open. 

(1:55 pm)

I bolted awake by a bloodcurdling scream. It instantly knew it had to be Sam. It sounded like it came from the living room. I got up and pulled out my knife.

I ran down the out the door, followed by the others in the house. Some of them were snickering as if they knew something I didn't, but I shook it out of my mind, running down the stairs.

I looked for her to see her in a pool of her own blood. Offender was no where to be seen.. she was ripped apart as if by an animal, but had human bites all over her body. Her arms and legs were broken, but her major organs like mostly unharmed. But still.... She was utterly torn apart and bleeding out.

My face got wet as I stroked her bloodied hair, she twitched as if I was going to hurt her. Her eyes weren't gowning anymore... they looked cloudy. Her smile wasn't there. Her body broken. Her limbs shattered and the bone exposed.

She looked up at me and whispered..  "Spread the word" .... and then she went limp...

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