Flow of the Wind

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Cx  A shout out to 10359six and her new book The Ominous. Give her feed back she's new and so far i like it. I hope you guys had a happy Thanksgiving. IIIIIII DDDIIIDDDDD CX well my family pissed me of a little but all families are like that lol

Xc also is gonna be sort bc I'm sleepy and I had this idea and it can't wait.

Samantha POV (5:55 am)

I woke up before the alarm clock and rubbed my eyes, they felt like they were burning out of my skull. I opened my tearing eyes to see nothing...I looked only at blackness. I didn't feel Jeff in the bed with me but I think he was in the room.

"Jeff, I can't see!" I screamed. They burned and all I saw was black, however it was fading fast.

From the nothingness, I felt leathery hands were on my shoulders. "SAM?!! " he screamed at me within the void. I moved my hands to his face and felt his face and I could tell he wasn't smiling with his permanent grin.

" .... Jeff it's OK... the pain stopped, but I still can't see..."  I said quietly.

He didn't say anything else, l he picked me up bridal style and took me to the infirmary room. He put me down on a cold steal bed. I could hear the machines in the room and the footsteps of another pasta.

"Now what have you done Jeffrey? Did you gouge the eyes out of your pet human?" Said a familiar voice.... But not Slender.

"Don't call me that Smiley, just FIX SAM" he growled almost like an animal.

"That's DR Smiley to you. And I can't fix her, look at her eyes they're practically burning out of her skull with all the glowing. However, It'll pass when she stops." He said in a sophisticated manner.... Wait a minute...

"You're the teacher from biology?!" I whisper yelled.

" Yes and you need to stop glowing, the light from your eyes are making you blind." He said tapping on something.

Soon, there was a pick without warning into my arm... I drifted off to sleep.

*******be patient guys I write all of this from scratch, even Sam's name was improve cx and since I'm inspired I'll update tomorrow for sure********

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