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Once we finally got home, we cuddled on bed with me spooning him. His scent permeated the air and I brought my face closer to his neck, wanting to sniff. Yet I was afraid. Afraid of how he might respond. Throwing caution to the wind, I laid a gentle kiss on his still clothed shoulder and progressed closer to his neck there-on. I moaned in delight as I finally rested my face where I wanted, taking long deep breaths, filling my lungs with my little lover's scent. I missed it so. His scent has always been like a drug to me. If I'm tired, it revitalizes me. If I am sad, a whiff of it gives me joy. And it never fails to arouse me. Nothing has changed. Blood flowed southward lazily. I was in no hurry; willing to give him time to withdraw if he feels not quite ready for this. I love him and I never want to lose him.

My hands wandered his body, trying unsuccessfully to trace its contours. I wanted to feel his skin, but I could do naught without his permission. It took me immense effort to keep my control; months of abstinence having only increased my thirst and my impatience. I could never go for long without the feel of my lover's heat, addicted to him as I was since the day I claimed him when he reached his majority. Yet the more I touched him, the harder it was to resist his allure. The memory of the events that transpired in the evening did not help my situation either. I hope that he wouldn't reject my amorous advances, but I was fully prepared to respect his wishes, if he were to do so.

Short Perth POV

I could feel his hardened desire against my back, his ragged breath against my neck. He was taking in my scent. My beloved hasn't touched me thusly in many months. After all that transpired, I did not know how to respond. I went through much pain once. Was I willing to trust him with my body a second time? Yes. The voice whispered in the back of my mind. I'd always let him do as he wishes. I relaxed against my lover's hold and molded my body to his.


Joy filled my heart as I felt him relax in my hold and tilt his head, giving me access for more of what I desired. I knew I could resist no longer. I had to ask my lover for his permission to proceed. Tightening my arms around him, I whispered in his ear.

"Perth? Baby Perth, will you allow Saint to love you? Will you please give Saint your permission to do so?"

"Never have I ever refused you in our time together nor have you ever had cause to ask? Why do you do so now, knowing that I am yours to do as you wish with?"

"The circumstances are different as you well know. I will not proceed without your permission. Please give me your trust."

He turned his head to look at me. I could barely see the silver in his eyes in the dim light.

"Yes. You may proceed and do as you wish with me."

Blood sang in my veins as he uttered the words I hoped to hear. I hugged him to me, grinding my hips to his, letting him feel how I desire him. His pupils blew out as his eyes clouded over with lust. I did not hesitate to undress him slowly, savoring every moment. I did not let one inch of his perfect olive skin escape my ministrations. I relished the erotic sounds that escaped his seductive mouth in response. I pleasured him to completion several times before unleashing my unrestrained lust upon him, before taking my pleasure from his body. There was no gentleness in my movements as I did so. The strain of observing months of self-imposed celibacy took its cause as I mated my gentle lover. I was unable to control the level of obscenity that took hold of my thoughts regarding my lover. I spread him wide and took him every-which-way, claiming him mine.

I stopped only when my younger lover passed out from exhaustion. I was barely done loving him. Yet I didn't have the heart to go further while he was in such a state. I got up and cleaned us up, then hugged him to me, rocking him till we both fell asleep.

A short Perth POV

He made love to me, bringing me to heights of pleasure I haven't felt at his hands in months, before laying claim to me. Only once before, have I seen this dark look in eyes - a primal hunger to own, to mark, to lay claim to a chosen mate. And I passed out from exhaustion that time.

Today was no different. He took what he wanted and gave everything he had repeatedly. I was losing my strength as my life drained out of me at every climax. My discharge amounted to a watery substance, having spent myself countless times tonight. I became incoherent as the night wore on due to the intensity of the pleasure he gave me. All I could do was gasp quietly. But he wasn't satisfied. Something stirred up in the back of my sluggish mind. Something....old. For one to own, the other has to submit.

I gathered the last of my strength and met his dark gaze. Then raised my hands over my head, crossing them at their wrist. After a short pause, I dropped my eyes in submission.

I felt him bend over me, bringing his face close to mine.


I looked at him from underneath my lashes.

"Just one more. You can sleep after that."

"Anything you wish.....my love"

He crushed me to him, I flopped my heavy hands around him. I was feeling light-headed. We moved together, the strength I gathered earlier waned with every move. I held onto my consciousness with dear life. Then a brilliant white light lit behind my eyes, I experienced intense bliss.

A moment later, all went dark.

Author's note : There's more to this love scene. But I didn't want to mar the mood of this story with that. So if you wish to read it all, check out the 'Honeymoon phase 1/2' chapters in my collection 'Love and Lust'. 

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