I thought I had to worry about her taking (y,n) away from me, I was happy to know that (y,n) wasn't even interested in what she was saying, Oryx is quiet but I could tell he is paying attention to the tour. We show them the training grounds, entertaining area, the gym, the cafeteria and then we took them to their rooms. Oryx decided to stay rather than coming with us to the lab.

(Y,N) PoV

Iana's life seems interesting, she has been to space and all but even though it's interesting I prefer to stay in the ground. I was more worried about Ela because she hasn't said anything during the tour; I believe she is acting like that because of Iana so I'm just going to drop Iana with James and the others while I talk to Ela. Once inside the lab, we headed to our spot.

"Hey guys, this is Iana" I said and they just looked at her then approached James

"Can you keep an eye on her while I speak with Ela?" I asked him and he nodded. I took Ela to an empty computer lab

"What's wrong?" She asked me

"Are you jealous?" I asked her

"Why would I be jealous?" She quickly yelled at me

That's Ela just being Ela, she yells at me when she knows I'm right. The least I can do to reassure her was to lift her chin and gently kiss her forehead.

"You are the only one for me because you are unique, Ela. I don't want you to think that I'm going to leave you because she went to space" I said then she hugged me and I hugged her back.

Ela PoV

When we left the computer lab I remember we forgot to show them the armory, I decided to show Iana the armory and asked (y,n) to stay and help his team to build the gadget. I wasn't mad because (y,n) just reassured that Iana didn't mean anything to her. We arrived at the armory and when I showed her where we must put her belongings after the mission I leaned in on the door blocking her path.

"(y,n) seems like a nice person, don't you think?" I said and she looked at me

"Oh yes, he is! That's why I respect him a lot" She said and my eyes widened in surprise because that's new...

"And why is that?" I asked her

"My mom was kidnapped during the year I first went to space. She was kidnapped by a gang that sells the organs of the people they take when I was told that I was so worried that I might not be able to tell her about my experience. By the time I came back she was safe and sound, Cerberus had something to do with her rescue" Iana said

Iana stopped telling me her story, can't say I blame her, I know it's something very private. Suddenly my phone vibrates so when I took it out (y,n) sent me a message asking me if we wanted to eat with them.

"Why don't we ask (y,n) for details on your mother's rescue" I said as I helped to get up from her seat

(Y,N) PoV

"I AM TIRED!" Yun said as laid down her body on the table's chair

"Can you sit down properly? Yun" Raven asked nicely

"You can sit at the other side with the captain" Yun said but Raven sits down on Yun instead

"Move you are heavy!" Yun said, I was watching how Yun was struggling on trying to move Raven but she couldn't move her

"Ok Raven that's enough" I said and she stood up giving Yun a chance to take a sit

I noticed Ela arriving with Iana and they were talking, Ela was smiling so she must be enjoying the conversation, I'm glad Ela's is being less aggressive she smiles more often unlike the first time I met her. I waved at her trying to get her attention and when she noticed me she came and took a seat next to me.

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