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Disney's The Black Hole: The (story of the) Cygnus ( mission, expedition, etc.) - outline/ideas (some very rough working notes)

(a series proposal for Disney+ / DisneyPlus;  with a story-arc of maybe 3-5 seasons?)

The lost expedition (& what about the other ships/craft, etc. mentioned, etc. in tbh movie....?  ?). How does mankind's greatest adventure, with a crew of the best and the brightest that humanity has to offer, turn into a nightmare of madness and betrayal, and a ship of the living dead?  

the story of the cygnus mission, & how it went from a voyage of discovery, all idealism/man's greatest adventure (first manned interstellar mission/search for [intelligent?] life, etc.), to a nightmare on a ghost ship?  

(first, )we are going to make you fall in love (with them  (all)  /with this ship & its crew, their mission, etc.), & then we are going to break your heart....      

(i.e.:  what happened BEFORE the movie. what went wrong & how... etc.) 

sort of an "anti" star trek/starfleet?  (or, more like, starting out that way, it is grand & it is glorious, bold, brave, adventurous, all the good, idealistic things; & for a while it really does work like  that, but then it all goes horribly, terribly wrong... )  

from the start of the mission (with preceeding-events material/history/etc.) to the situation at the start of  'the black hole' movie


say a 5-season story-arc?  (star trek tos references, re: 5-year mission ;p) (whatever the internal-to-the-story timeline; how long for everything to play out? building from the info/history given in the movie: from mission-start to the palomino encounter gives an overall timeline, but how long for the mission to fall apart & things to end up basically the way they are on the cygnus @ the time of the film? enough time to do a lot of their mission, & fall into dispute over whether to continue, or go back home, for one thing.  enough time for the crew to get sick of it/(badly?) home-sick? enough time for relationships to build up, & then fall apart? enough time for lots of discoveries & excitements, & wonders & enough time to become weary of all of that...?  ) 

(timeline internal to the story may be different longer/shorter, spaced, intervals, etc., than the external series 5-year timeline.  i think maybe, up to?, ~10 years of the expedition, before the crisis/breakdown return home, etc.?  )

Season 1. 

setting out, back story on developing the mission, etc. 

Season 2. 

grand adventures & discovery, bonding, etc. 

Season 3. 

starts with them as the greatest crew ever, best ship, best mission (better than star trek! ;p) &, but, then some troubling signs/undercurrent... 

Season 4. 

starts with things-are-still-good, but then something (bad?) happens, that breaks it/everything. the trust (leaves them shattred? fast or slow breakdown/break-up?) ends with them (deeply?) troubled.  maybe end this season with the return-to-earth order (concealed/kept secret? communications system breakdown? sabotage/destroy the "ensible"-type device?, or ftl messenger probes, or something?)  

Season 5. 

everything falls apart, disagreements, divisions, factions? (how many? which? etc....?) etc., eventually pro/anti captain max & continuing the mission? eventually just captain max & the robots (his, but not the b.o.b.(s(?)) (what happens to his supporters if/when/any?),   ends with the set-up/scenario for where the ship & crew is @ the start of the movie/as the palomino crew finds them (though there's still a long interval between those 2 points end-beginning; do i want to do something with that huge gap of space-time....?)  

6 (mini-season or follow-up something?)

life on the cygnus after the end of season 5, to the time when the palomino shows up?  

7 the events of 'the black hole', the film, from reinhart/cygnus perspective?  


-the cygnus departs (space-dock, earth-luna orbit? @ one of the lagrange points?) , brilliantly lit up, the glass hull-panels in display mode, doing a show/tricks...  that huge, beautiful ship, with various images playing over the glass-panel hull (max r. - inspirational speech from the captain?)  


partly inspired by the lost franklin expedition, scott-antarctica, etc....  

(that theme music from the movie...  ^__^ <3 !)

need to sort out the concordance with the film, etc.

 - relationships, history, etc. as from the film?

need to reconcile the wonky &/or dated science...   .  - stick as close to real-world physics/science, space travel, etc. as possible? 

The Cygnus Mission 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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(Disney's) The Black Hole:  The Cygnus  (the story of, - outline/ideas.)Where stories live. Discover now