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"C'mon, we have to go now! I can't let my dad see you," Josie finished siphoning magic from the school walls to unlock the gate between her and Landon. "Especially with me." The curly haired boy hesitated, partially from offense of her remark, partially from the pure shock of witnessing magic. She motioned again that he needed to exit, before anyone noticed that she was breaking Landon out.

Up they went the basement staircase, both grasping the freezing railway to ensure their safety while traveling upwards. The further they got, the louder their footsteps became, as the heavy stomps echoed through the school. Josie's head swung around to glare at Landon at the exit, and she slapped her index finger on her lips, indicating to lower the volume.

She glanced upwards, as if she was waiting for a sign to go. With closing her eyes and mouthing a countdown from three, a bell rung throughout the halls and soon followed with the rumbles of student voices. This was the perfect opportunity to camouflage Landon amongst the entire student body. The only giveaway for Landon would be his day old clothes clashing against the sea of Salvatore student uniforms.

"This...isn't going to be good." Landon remarked anxiously, witnessing how many of Josie's peers occupied the hallways. In which, Josie silently agreed, now knowing Hope Mikaelson could be roaming anywhere within the school, causing her to worry about what to say if she happen to run into her.

Mystic Falls High only had a fraction of students compared to the boarding school, not to even mention the power every person holds. In a normal high school, one may be pushed against a locker or have your lunch money stolen; at the Salvatore Boarding School, a werewolf could throw you through a wall on any given day. "Where's Raf?" Landon urged.

Josie's velvety brown eyes searched for a possible pathway through the hallways, without being caught by her principal father. It wasn't her father she entirely feared, but the eventual punishment she would dread hearing from Caroline over the phone. Alaric had too much on his plate to juggle between being headmaster and a reliable dad, so of course Caroline had to fill the role of keeping their daughters in tip top shape...while she remained halfway across the world.

There was a certain blonde however, Josie knew she could depend on. Someone she depended too much on.

"Lizzie!" Josie grinned. It was perfect timing.

Lizzie approached the two and latched herself onto Josie's right bicep, keeping her head held high and her eyes forward. Together they strolled through the hallways, trying to act nonchalant while harboring a refugee. "Josie," Lizzie said in a higher pitched voice, wearing a fake smile. "Why is Logan out of his cage?"

"Lizzie!" Josie scrunched her face, embarrassed of her twin sister's impolite question. "He's not a dog. Don't say that."

"Am I wrong for saying that? It is where the werewolves go to transition. I'm not too far off." The blonde twin smirked.

As Landon matched Lizzie's pace, he glanced at her with a very concerned expression. "You stuck me down there with wolves?! Actual werewolves?"

"I, technically, didn't place you anywhere. You can thank my inattentive dad for that one, Leon."

"It's Landon."

Coexisting with the werewolves was nothing new to the two witches, but as a mortal, Landon was petrified. Disinterested and indifferent, Lizzie rolled her eyes and continued strolling. He was not in imminent danger, considering there wasn't a full moon for another week.

Josie paused for a moment. Together, the sisters turned to look at Landon, thinking the same thought. "Either way, didn't you like..." Lizzie started.

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