Incorrect Quotes (OZ)

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You know what. I really can't think of how to write any of the ships -w- but I will try but for now why don't I do this. I literally can't stop thinking about these so I'm doing one
Podrick:are you in love with Cookie?
Podrick:then why do you draw "C+D" in hearts everywhere??
Doc:it stands for chaos and death.
Colin:I'm a confident driver
Ritchie:you ran me over
Colin: confidently,though
Mario: You're pretty dumb
Jonah:thank you
Mario:why are you thanking me? I just insulted you.
Jonah: all I heard was "you're pretty", I'm focusing on the positives of life.
Justin:see, Colin,the way the whole bestie thing works is you have to tell each other deep stuff
Colin:the deep stuff? Uh oh,like what?
Justin:like... what's your favorite color?
Colin:now you've stepped over the line
Lukas:what do you think Leo will do for a distraction?
David:who knows, he'll probably like,make a noise,or throw a rock. That's what I would do [building blows up] ...or he could do that.
Bri:must you always attack me with words
Austin:you want me to use rocks?
Bri:I wasn't sure what kind of chocolate you like so I got them all
Austin:Bri....there are like 300 boxes here...
Bri:I panicked, okay!! Valentine's can be very stressful!!
Bobba Jay:[knocking on Jonah's door] Jonah! We need to go! Come out!
Jonah:I'm gay!
Bobba Jay:Not what I meant, but I support you!
Justin:No one is judging you. It's understandable. Bryan is strong and Mysterious and sort of compact but well muscled.
Colin:I don't have a crush on Bryan,but I'm starting to think you might.
Devin:thank you all for coming. Today we need to discuss financing
Xylo:um,it's just me here
Devin:I know. You owe me 700,000 dollars
Colonel: Nick,please keep an eye on Xylo today. He's gonna say something to the wrong person and get himself punched
Nick:sure I'd love to see Xylo get punched
Colonel:try again
Nick:I will stop Xylo from getting punched
Colonel: Correct
Lukas: I just want to hear those three words
Leo:I love you
Lukas: that is sweet, but try again
Leo:I will behave
Lukas:there you go
Bryan: could you give me some advice on this situation with Justin,Seek?
Seek:how would I have any romantic experience?
Bryan:you know,because you and Colin and dating?
Seek:what? Me and Colin aren't dating! [Turns to other Misfits] put your hand up if you thought that Colin and I were dating
Seek:Colin, put your hand down.
Michael:I want to change the world!
Podrick:for the better?
Austin: I'm running to the store,you guys need anything?
Colin:some fruit,please?
Austin:of course,what kind?
Colin: Fruit Loops
Devin:who the FUDGE order all the FUDGING pizzas?
Xylo,tied to a chair: look,you said I had one phone call
Charlie:Doc,if your friend's were to jump off a cliff,would you?
Doc: with all do respect,my mother gave birth to a leader,a innovator,and a dumbass. I'd be the first off that fudging cliff!
Colin: Justin!
Colin,picks up his phone,and calls Justin: Justin
Justin answering his phone:yes?
Eileen:--and now for a gay update with Jonah Montana
Jonah:getting gayer
Eileen:thank you Jonah
Austin:Hey guys,I'm back!
Marshie:hold up!
Austin:what is it?
Colin:you know what it is
Austin:guys I'm not doing it
Bri:yes you are
Austin: Seriously?
Seek:do it or you're sleeping outside
Austin,sighing:fine......I scream,you scream,we Al scream for-
Misfits: ICECREAM!!
Austin:can I come in now?
Bri:yes uwu
(This is just one for me -w-)
My Little Brother: Mom! Emily's threatening to burn down the house because I burned down hers in Minecraft.
(And that's why I never play Minecraft with my siblings anymore :3 Jk)

633 words
Hope you guys enjoyed these and have a good day/night,bye! :3

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