Alpha's Rage

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Thank you Monokumafan226 for requesting this. I hope you enjoy

(Bryan's POV)
I was walking through the forest going to go and see Pat and Pierre. I made sure to tell alpha before I went though just so he knew where I was. I had got there and all of us were just talking and having fun and eating some icecream,except for Pierre... (RIP Pierre's taste buds)
After that I was walking home. It was around evening and by the time get back it should be dark out. As I was walking it kind of felt like I was being watched,but I ignored the feeling and kept walking. Then it sounded like someone was walking behind me,but when I looked no one was there. I was walking a little faster now. As I kept walking I could keep hearing the footsteps and as they got louder I walked quicker and soon i was running. Then I stopped as two people had appeared in front of me. I turned around to run away but someone was there also.  Then I looked all around to see more and soon I was surrounded by them. I got scared and was trying to find a way to get out of this,and when I wasn't looking one of them threw a net on me. I growled at them,until one of the people kicked me
"Shut up!"
I whimpered as they kept hurting me. Soon I had passed out from all the pain.
(Mario's POV)
It was dark out and Bryan should of been back by now. I was getting really worried.
What if something happened to him...
I was getting too worried and decided to go to Pat's place to see where Bryan was.
I had just talked to Pat and Pierre and they said that Bryan had left around the evening. This made me super worried and I started wondering where he could be. I was looking through the forest trying to find his scent anywhere when I smelt something. It was pretty faint but just enough. I followed to where the smell was and came to a spot in the forest where it was stronger. There werr some spots of blood on the ground and what terrified me was that it smelt like Bryan. I kept following it until I ended up in a village. I went to a house and looked through the window of it and was filled with anger. Inside Bryan was laying on the ground covered in scratches and bruises. He was bleeding and crying while the ones around him where just laughing.
"He's so weak!"
"Looks he's crying. How pathetic!"
"He won't even put up a fight"
"Maybe he will once we get rid of those ears of his" one said taking out a knife while the others grabbed onto Bryan as he tried to get away.
That was it! I had Barged through the window in my werewolf form. I attacked them letting the anger take control of me. Let's just say that people died that day.
I had brought Bryan back to PackHaven and had taken care of his wounds. I held him in my arms and not letting anyone go near him. After the next couple of days he got better and after that day I always made sure that someone went with Bryan whenever he went somewhere. Most of the time it was me.
And that's the end of this. Sorry if it's short,but I hope you enjoyed,bye! :3

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