Chapter 7

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It was your third day being back home and you have yet to find Jason, but you have been doing your best to avoid everyone else. You are hanging out on a roof of a building minding your own business when you heard footsteps walking from behind you. You turned around fast to see red hood walking over to you, and that when you get your knife out ready to fight him.

Y/n " oh look what I have here the good bird who has become a bad guy"

Red hood " you really did a number on my guys girly"

Y/n " I do my best even your brother found out what I can do"

Red hood " I have heard you know where my sister is"

Y/n " well maybe I do and maybe I do not ... and why do you care anyways you said you hated her ... so you should be happy she is gone... no more annoy sister right"

Red hood " what happens to her you have to know..."

Y/n" she is happier where she is now Jason ....but hey maybe she might want to see you... or not" you soon start to attack Jason and he attacks you back.

Y/n " what don't you just stay down little bird boy"

Jason " you have to try better kiddo" just then you see the other batboys show up out of nowhere, and that when you feel they have you trapped.

Y/n " aww this so sweet all of you helping each other out like a happy little family... that makes me sick but hey at else you guys can show brotherly love to each other verse you baby sister "

Dick " where this she what have they done to you and her "

Y/n " lets say they made us into better girl then we were before"

Damian " we want our sister back now"

Y/n " she is never coming back she is gone forever" you just felt someone was about to attack you from behind you jump over them, you soon see it your father.

Y/n " aww dear old dad has come to save his little bat boys so sweet"

Bruce" we just want to talk with you so tell me where is my daughter"

Y/n " my lips are sealed dear Batman" you soon see Batman trying to take you down but you stop him, and you soon dick trying to help him.

Y/n " catch me if you can boys" you soon jump off the roof and on to other one, you soon take off running fast and they are after you. You turn back a little bit to see them still chasing you and you soon run into a warehouse, and that when you start waiting for them to show up.

Y/n " aww it took you so long to show up and I thought, you will all be better at getting the villains"

Tim" where she our sister we just want to have her home"

Y/n " she is already home Timmy" soon they all look at you and you are smiling under your mask, while they look at you trying to see what else is going to happen.

Damien " tell us where she is now or it will be you life on the line"

Y/n " I really don't care Damien but hey why do you care about her anyways... didn't you say you ruined your and everyone else lives...and it will be good if she went away while she did good job Damien the jerk son of Bruce"

Red hood " take off the mask and look us in the eyes so we know what you look like"

Y/n " how about no I have better things to do" soon enough you take off running onto the roof of the warehouse and before you can escape you are stop by your brothers and father. You soon walk over to edge of the building and that when dick hits your mask nearly knocking it off.

Y/n " nice try night-wing" you soon noticed your mask I'd chipped and that when you notice to take it off and show them your face and see the sweet expression on their faces.

Y/n " well you wanted to see my face so badly I will give you want you wish" you soon untie the ribbons holding your mask and place your right hand over you mask. You hood soon comes off and soon enough your long white hair if showing, you soon look at the guys once you mask is in your hands and you have a small smile on your face, while they all look shocked.

Y/n " aww did you miss me"

Bruce "what have they done to you.... who did this to you"

Y/n " I'm sorry father dearest but that for me to know but I think Jason might know.... but hey I have to go"

Dick " please come home with us we can help you"

Y/n " ......." you soon jump off the building fast and land on the ground and that when you take off running, you see the guys chasing after you trying to get you and bring you home. You soon disappeared onto a motorcycle that raced off into the night, and that when you family lost sight of you.

With your family

Dick " this is all your fault if you stayed the hell away from her ... she would be home right now living her teenage life"

Red hood " don't blame this on me dick you help out with this as well "

Bruce " both of you stop it okay we are going to help you sister, and we are going to get her back... and when she is her old self Jason stay away from her... I never want to hear that you have spoken to her ever again"

Red hood " we will see about that dear father because when she back to normal she might never remember, what had happened and I will still be her favorite big brother"

Tim" maybe or maybe not Jason but we need to work together to get her back... and I must as I hate you right now you are the only one who know how to fix her maybe"

Red hood " sure but I'm only doing this for her she can not become what I have "

Bruce" ...." what your family didn't know was that someone else was willing to help them fix you, and that was slade he didn't want to see you follow the same path as him and your brother have. You will be his on,y student that would go down a good path and live a great life if, they are able to bring you back.

Broken sister (discounted)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon