"Go on ahead it's fine" Taman said.

"Thank you again Sir Woller!" Necrose said while waving his hand in goodbye out of the alley.

Taman walked out outside of the alley as well but on the opposite side of where Necrose went. Necrose and Peni started running towards the school when Necrose remembered something.

"Peni come here" Necrose said then hugged her.

"What are you doing? We are going to be late you knuckle head!!" Peni argued but then she felt being covered by Toxin along with Necrose.

"Now let's swing" Necrose said then he shot up the ground while carrying Peni which clearly startled her.

Necrose continued swinging towards the school. Once they arrived Peni quickly started running towards the classroom while Necrose did the same but stopped at the door. Peni looked at him weirdly then she remembered that Necrose is a new student.

"Good morning everyone, today I have an announcement to make" A guy with messy yet kept brown hair, dark abyss like eyes, and a rather round body along with some four weird arm/tentacle like appendages on his back said, this made all of the students listen to him since they absolutely love him as a teacher.

"We will be having a new student joining us starting today" The guy announced which made the class curious.

"Is it a boy?!" A girl asked.

"Is it a girl?!" A boy asked.

"I hope that if he is a boy that he is handsome" a girl said while staring at the door.

"I hope that she is pretty if she is a girl" a boy said.

All of this comments made Peni snicker to which the guy with the weird appendages took note off.

"You may now come in" the guy with the weird appendages said so Necrose opened the door and went inside.

"Hello everyone, my name is Necrose Arvis I hope we can all get along" Necrose introduced himself then he smiled brightly which blinded most of the students.

"Even though it is disapointing that the new student was a boy on top of that he is handsome and seems like he is easy to get along with and most likely steal all of the girls, why do I feel like I lost nothing?" A boy student mumbled to which his seatmate responded.

"Yeah dude, I feel that as well..." his boy seatmate said.

"Are we losing our masculinity?" The boy who mumbled asked his seatmate.

"Honestly I don't know..." His seatmate answered.

"Okay Necrose you can seat next to Peni Parker since she is by far our best student" The professor/the guy with the weird appendages said. Peni waved at Necrose and smiled then Necrose did the same. The entire class was awestruck by this but they thought that Necrose was just being friendly.

'He such a nice guy' the entire class thought.

"Hey Peni are we going to tell them about our situation?" Necrose whispered to Peni's ear to which made her blush due to his breath tickling her ears and nervous.

"W-what situation?" Peni asked by whispering to his ear which also made Necrose blush due to the same reason as Peni's.

"You know... Us living together and sleeping on the same bed and all" Necrose whispered back to which Peni giggled due to the tickling of his breath to her ears and his antics.

"It's fine" Peni said while giggling to which made all of the students confused and surprised by multiple reasons:

First: Peni Parker, The Peni Parker never talks to guys

Second: If a guy ever talks to her or flirts with her she will immediately punch you to next week except for teachers and children which made everyone that she either liked guys that are older or younger than her or likes girls.

Third: She is flat as a cutting board with no hope of ever getting close to anyone much less a relationship but the new guy just casually talked and is now flirting with her.

'Does he have a fetish for flat chests of something?' All of the students thought as well as the professor.

"Hey Necrose, Why do I suddenly have the urge to punch everyone in class except you right now?" Peni asked Necrose which made Necrose sweat nervously along with the entire class, Necrose knew that he had to diffuse the situation or someone will get hurt.

"Peni calm down and eat this chocolate bar" Necrose said then gives her 'Sneekers' (this world's version of Sneakers the chocolate)

'Noooo!!! Not my chocolate!! Necrose how could you?!!' Toxin whined.

'First of all I said that this is my piece of chocolate and secondly you still have a crap ton of chocolate inside my bag' Necrose argued back.

"This guy is gonna die today" everybody said expecting Peni to punch him to next week but then Peni grabs the chocolate while blushing and fidgeting then started eating it happily.

'WHAT THE HELL?!!!" The entire class shouted inside their minds. This is the start of the school legend of 'The One who Tamed The Untamable' but that is a story for another time...

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