The nurse guided him, instructing him to stop, breath and push until he felt his first pup slide out of his canal. ''The baby boy is first, Alpha, want to cut the cord?'' She asked.

Mew eagerly went to her and cut the cord of his pup, he looked so gorgeous, even with all that blood. She gave his pup to the other nurse who said she was going to clean her up. ''Keep him in this room.'' Mew growled possessively, which made Mai smile gently. ''Honey, she will. The tub is right there in the corner.''

Mew blinked, oh... ''I apologize...''

The nurse at Gulf side just giggled, saying they see this behavior with every Alpha. Hell, they would be worried if an Alpha didn't growl at the thought of his pup being taken away. ''gulf, the girl wants out too. I want you to start pushing now.'' nurse instructed after half an hour. Mai had the baby boy in her arms who was cleaned up and had his health check. He was a healthy little pup.

Gulf nodded and took a hold of mew's hand again before he started pushing and following her instructions again. He felt a bit more calm during the second pup's birthing, maybe because he knew what to do now. The moment a second cry filled the room, gulf knew he was done and couldn't contain his tears and exhaustion anymore. ''You did it baby, I'm so proud.'' Mew kissed his forehead before cutting the second pup's cord.

The girl was cleaned too, declared healthy and placed in Gulf's arms next to the male pup. ''Now we need names..'' Mew whispered, watching down to his family. Oh gosh, they were all so beautiful. Gulf looked up with teary eyes, meeting Mew's wet eyes as well. ''Oh mew, can we give them a name when I wake up? I really want to sleep right now..''

Mew nodded, kissing Gulf on his lips before settling next to him in the nest. He placed the pups between them and pulled Gulf into him so the pups were safely tucked between them. He didn't even notice the nurses cleaning up or his mother leaving a wet cloth on Gulf's forehead. All he could think of right now was his family in his arms, he loved them to death and he will never let anything happen to him. Over his dead body.


Bright, Saint,Zee and Gulf's father all arrived in haste together after receiving the news of Gulf's going into labor. Puifai and the girls would stop by another day or else it would be too busy for them right now.

Neither of Gulf's father or his besties wasted time to gather their shit and go the Mew castle. Saint of course took Zee with him, bright came with them and Gulf's father decided to go alone and not take any of the girls yet either. Gulf needed his rest first.

As they arrrived, Duang each gave them a room where they could reside for as long as they wanted but for now Mew and Gulf were resting and couldn't be disturbed.

Saint pouted because he wanted to see the pups but he understood, Gulf wouldn't want people too close to his pups at all right now. So they waited for not one day, or two, but for a whole week they waited before daring to knock on the door. Mew opened it of course to inspect who knocked and to make sure his family wasn't in danger. ''Oh, hey guys!'' He chirped happily.

''Is he okay?'' bright asked right away, he'd been worried to death about Gulf. ''How are the pups?''

Mew just nodded, opening the door. ''Come in, I think he'll be happy to see you.''

Bright before entering softly knocked his fist on Mew's chest. ''I still have some hate for you, for what you did but I know you make him happy so continue doing that. Make sure to tell him how much you love him every day.''

Mew nodded. ''I already do brighty.''

''Good.'' bright entered, followed by Saint, Zee and thong. Mew gulped because he hesitated a little after they entered, what if they hurt the pups? They're all Alpha's? Well except for Saint but that Omega would be able to take his pups if he wanted them for themselves and then- ''mew, calm down.'' Gulf reminded him. ''They're okay.''

Mew came back to his senses, apologizing to everyone but they all understood. Alpha instincts could be a bitch sometimes. They sat down in front of Gulf who had the two pups in his lap, they looked so adorable and Saint couldn't with hold his soft squeal. ''Oh god, Zee, I want pups too.''

Zee slapped himself in the face, he knew this would happen. ''In time Saint, in time.''

''You're fucked buddy.''bright muttered.

Gulf giggled as well and leaned into Mew's chest who possessively wrapped his arms around Gulf and the pup's. ''So... what are their names?'' Thong asked.

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