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Woo 내일은 없어

Woo there is no tomorrow

   "Cooky-ah slow down will you," Cooky heard Tae shout as he raced to the library. "You are running as if somebody will get the book before you will!" And he was not wrong. Cooky was aware of first-year students who would be fighting to get a copy of the book from the library. 

   Cooky did not slow down. He ran up the stairs and practically dashed into the library. The librarian gave him 'the look' from behind his magazine, to which, Cooky gave a faint smile. Without wasting any more seconds on trying to formulate a proper reply to the librarian for his urgency, he headed towards the shelf from which he wanted to get the book. He skimmed over some famous titles; 'Oscar Wilde', 'Edgar Allan Poe', etc, etc; till he finally found the title which read 'Shakespeare'. 

    He took a sigh and searched for the book he wanted. His eyes searched for that title, hoping that there would still be a copy of that book. Alas, he saw the last copy in the hand of a girl, she was leaning against the glass bookcase with her eyes intently reading it. His first instinct was to snatch it from her hands, but this girl was not someone he knew, thus it was not an option. So he did what people normally do: ask.

   He cleared his throat. The girl broke her gaze from the pages of the book and directed it at Cooky, "I am sorry, I was just leaving," she whispered apologetically. She opened her bag to keep the book inside.

   "No it is fine. It's just that--" he looked at her hazel eyes, "I wanted a book from that shelf," he pointed at the shelf she was leaning against earlier. She smiled at him and bowed slightly before moving past the shelf. She walked past Cooky, and at that moment he got a whiff of her shampoo from her brown locks. 

   "Cooky-ah," Tae's whisper, snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked at Tae with confused eyes, "did you get your book?" he asked.

   "She took it," Cooky replied with a thin smile, it just was not about the book anymore.

Woo 내일은 없어

Woo there is no tomorrow

   "That would be--" Jiyoung quickly paid the taxi driver and stepped out of the taxi. She got her bag and baggage from the trunk of the taxi and with hurried yet careful steps entered the gates of her dream college.

   It was almost evening so it's highly unlikely to see anything human, she thought to herself. She passed through the hallway which had unwelcoming maplewood doors. Her shoes made a soft clanking noise on the recent polished floor.

   One of the doors squeaked open behind her-- Jiyoung's senses heightened and she impulsively turned to see who it was. The human was a girl who smiled at Jiyoung and walked-- practically skipped to Jiyoung.

   "I was told you would arrive by now," her eyes beamed with friendliness along with her smile, "I am Mina, your roommate and very first friend here. Welcome!"

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