Mew shook his head and gulped. ''No pinky, we can't... go back in there and close the door..'' He replied weakly.

Pinky approached him and now that Mew got a good look at her he saw she was wearing a shining through, silk dress. Showing off her nipples and her breast. ''You don't want me to... do you Alpha?'' She reached out to him and touched the bulg in his pants. ''I know exactly what you do want...''

Mew let his head fall back against the wooden door, he's in trouble. He's an unmated Alpha, how the fuck is he going to resist an omega in heat in an enclosed room like this?! ''pinky, listen to me.. You can't do this, we can't..."

He felt his own cock starting to harden against his will as she palmed it through his jeans. ''I called my father, he was very disappointed and ordered me to take a heat pill mew.... I can't refuse it either, you need to help me, please fuck me Alpha, please..'' She begged him as she slowly sunk down.

His hand landed in her soft hair as she undid his belt and pulled down his jeans. ''You've grown so much over the years Mew, the last time I had this in me you were what seventeen? Even then it had already grown so much bigger than the fifteen year old you who took my virginity. But now... you really are an Alpha now.'' She grabbed his cock and wrapped her lips around it.

He moaned as she started sucking him off, he needs to resist but he can't. ''Fuck, no.pinky please stop this
...we can't.''

''You say no but your body says yes Mew, just let it go... Just fuck me Mew, just do it..''

''You want me to do it?'' His voice started getting hoarse, he was losing control completely. He can't lose control, he can't do this to Gulf or his pups.

He kept moaning as she sucked him off but he was nowhere near close, he needed more, he needed to fuck her. His eyes had turned completely black, a sign he had lost control. ''Get on your hands and knees, Omega.'' pinky scrambled on her hands and knees on the floor and let mew see her slick heat. She cried out as she felt a large hand palm her cheeks.

''Fucking whore, that's what you want right? To be fucked like a bitch in heat.'' He whispered in her ear as he leaned over her, making himself ready to penetrate her.

She could only whimper in need. ''Knot me please, I need your pups Alpha!'' She cried out, which stilled Mew's action's.

''Knot you?'' ''My pups?'' He repeated. His black eyes turning back, what was he doing?! ''Fuck Pinky, you fucking bitch! Get away from me!'' He yelled at her.

''Please, Mew... I need more, I need your knot..'' She crawled back to him but he did what he normally would never do, hit an Omega. It was against his very nature to do so, but damn, did he care now? Nope.

''The only one who gets my knot is Gulf! He's the only one who'll ever carry my pups, you don't deserve that!'' He yelled. ''I fucking love him, not you!''

She was shaken as she was rejected even in her heat. ''Y-You've knotted me before... What are you talking about?''

''Oh you know very well that an Alpha can't control his knot the first time they have intercourse, get away from me pinky .. Or I will really kill you.'' Mew growled in anger. He banged his fist on the door until it bled, he needed out, he can't control himself for long. ''OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!''

He kept banging until pinky was begging him to stop, he kept banging the door until his hands were surely broken but even then he didn't stop. There was a small dent in the door, but it wouldn't be enough. His punches were becoming weaker every time his bleeding hand hit the hard wooden surface. He needed to get out, he needed to go to his Omega and his pups. ''OPEN THE-''

''M-mew?" Gulf's voice came through the other side. ''Why are you locked in there?''

"Gulf?'' Mew sighed in relief. ''Please don't stop talking to me, please don't. Pinky took a fucking heat pill and locked me in here with her, please Gulf, I'm losing it.''

''W-What? Mew, please don't have sex with her, please don't.'' He heard gulf whisper softly but loud enough for him to hear the desperation in his voice.

Mew had to tell him now, he needed to. ''I got close to do so, but I didn't. I can't knot anyone else than you, please you mean everything to me. I couldn't control myself and lost it for a few minutes, but she mentioned pups and I saw you, and I could snap out of it. But you have to get me out of here Gulf, I can't control it for long anymore.'' He was almost in tears already. Gulf was going to leave him, he knew he would. He let another Omega suck him off, hell, he almost did worse than that.

''...'' Why wasn't Gulf saying anything?

''gulf, please I'm so sorry, I love you so much, I love our pup's so much. Please don't," mew choking on his tears as he begged gulf forgiveness

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