19. ✭ dreaming about heroin

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Warning: drug abuse

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Warning: drug abuse

"Just let me shoot it, Vince." I began to whine like a child, making grabby hands at him while he shook his head. "Pretty please. Just once."

"Chris, if Nikki finds out that I let you inject heroin, then I'm fucking done for. If he says yes, then I'll be more than happy to sit with you and get fucked up."

My eyes grew wide--brows furrowed--when he tightened the scarf around his arm with his teeth and felt around for a prominent vein.

"He isn't my fucking parent, I'm a grown woman. If I want to try heroin, then I'll try heroin!"

"Whatever you say," a grunt fell from his lips when the needle hit his arm, and he pushed the liquid gold through the syringe, "but I'm not doing it with you."

Cocaine  just wasn't dulling the ever present guilt-ridden ache that I felt at the very pit of my chest whenever I so much as looked at Nikki, so I decided to become remarkably hypocritical, and try heroin. Or at least attempt to try it.

I didn't ask Tommy because, that would've gone down like a lead balloon with Nikki. Mick didn't do it, and he wouldn't do it with me, of all people. And, though an avid heroin user, I didn't think to ask Nikki...I guess he just slipped my mind. Though, that wouldn't be the first time.

I thought Vince would want to take pity on me, or spite Nikki, and do it with me. But he didn't. He was more concerned that he'd get his ass kicked, not actually how I'd fare if I ended up trying it.

I just watched him from the floor, painting my nails, when he slumped back against the bed with a low groan, and his eyes started to flutter closed.

"How does it feel?" I asked, getting up and heading to the vanity to pour myself a drink, trying not to smudge the polish on my fingers. "Does that feel good?"

"It feels fucking amazing, you have no idea," his smile was lazy and I just frowned because I really had no idea--though, I would've liked to.

"When Nikki gets back then I'll ask him. He'll say yes," he shook his head and laughed while his eyes were still shut, "what's so funny about that?"

"Do you really think that Nikki is gonna let you, his precious little angelic, can't do anything wrong, Chrissie try fucking heroin--"

If only you knew, Vinnie.

"--How do you know!?" I let out. "He complains about thinking that I think I'm too good to do heroin all the fucking time! If he didn't want me to try it, then why would he get so pissed at me for that!?"

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